Still cannot connect to my cameras when not on my home WIFI

I can confirm that replacing the XB7 with the XB8 fixed the issue. The live cam loads really fast now


Thanks for adding that clarification. When I was saying ā€œISPā€ I was using it as a sort of colloquial expression since the security features and firmware on the XB7 are ultimately managed and decided by Xfinity (the ISP). But it is important to note the distinction that you made about how this appears to be happening locally on the router level, and not from the ISPā€™s network/servers.

Youā€™ve done a great job in helping to provide some insight on this issue and a way I can help suggest to some people how they might be able to help resolve it too. Your input in the forums about this issue in sharing things you tried and learned has been very appreciated and will certainly give me options of things I can suggest to people who ask for ideas of things they can try.

Agreed. I suggested this to Wyze too, to try to find a business to business contact and see if they can get Xfinity to update their firmware/security feature to work with TUTK better again now that their known CVEā€™s are all patched up.

I am curious if anyone with this issue on TUTK cameras was able to still stream OK using any of the Wyze cams that donā€™t use TUTK. Do any of you with this problem also have any of the following:

  • Video Doorbell Pro (These donā€™t use TUTK)
  • OG Cams (These donā€™t use TUTK)
  • Battery Cam Pro (I donā€™t believe these use TUTK, but I am not 100% confident)
  • Video Doorbell v2 (I donā€™t believe these use TUTK, but I am not 100% confident)
  • Floodlight Pro (I donā€™t believe these use TUTK, but I am not 100% confident)

(I know the first 2 ā€œGwellā€ partnered cameras donā€™t use TUTK, but I am not totally sure of the other 3 models. Almost anything with TUTK will work with Docker Wyze bridge, and all of the above models donā€™t work on Docker Wyze Bridge, which implies they use something other than TUTKā€¦off the top of my head I would guess it is probably some form of WebRTC.

Iā€™d be interested in hearing from anyone experiencing this problem (ie: on an XB7) if they were still able to stream the above model cameras okay remotely. I suspect some of the above models still work okay if they donā€™t use TUTK for remote authentication.

It would be cool if Wyze was able to update their TUTK cams in such a way to where it might try TUTK authentication FIRST, and if that fails, then maybe they could switch to a secondary attempt to use the same authentication method the non-TUTK cameras use. That might bypass the router blocking we are seeing. They wouldnā€™t even have to work with Xfinity to resolve the issue in that way. I donā€™t know how complicated that would be setup or how long it would take for them to implement, test and deploy such a solution. It might not be a realistic solution, but I think they should explore the possibility. But first, it would be nice to confirm whether those other models work on an XB7 even when the TUTK models are being blocked.

Anyway, just wanted to explain the rationale for why I am asking the above questions.

Thanks boosty for your efforts and insights. I think what you test, learned and shared will certainly help a lot of people in the future. I am happy to hear of a workaround existing that I can share.


I finally solved the issue after half year canā€™t load video when out of home. all I did is to Enable DMZ in home internet modem.

By enabling the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) feature, you are allowing the router to forward all incoming traffic from the internet to the device specified, virtually disabling the routerā€™s firewall protection. This **may expose the device to a variety of security risks


I wanted to share that I resolved my issue as well after trying everything suggested by Wyze. I bought a new wireless router from my local store, put the Rogers modem/router into bridge mode and itā€™s been working perfectly for almost 24 hours now. Also faster locally.

What I noticed is everyone on this forum appears to be using a Rogers related type modem/router that came from their ISP. This is the common denominator here. Therefore there seems to clearly be an issue with the compatibility between Rogers/Cogeco and Wyze. We canā€™t say itā€™s all Rogers/Cogeco fault or Wyze. Itā€™s a compatibility thing. Maybe Wyze needs to fix something to not trigger Rogers to block it. Maybe Rogers needs to fix something to not block Wyze. Who knows, we could argue all day here, which it seems like many people have. Fact is, there is a compatibility issue and the quick solution is put your modem into bridge mode and buy a router from the store.
Anyway, mine works now, yours can too if you just buy another router and put your ISP modem/router into bridge mode. Itā€™s more secure and faster anyway so youā€™re not only fixing the problem immediately, but youā€™re giving yourself a little upgrade.


If youā€™re with Rogers, why not upgrade to the WiFi 6E XB8 modem for free? This also fixes the issue


I didnā€™t know that was an option and I would have still been limited to a device with no capability for having a guest WiFi which I also wanted, plus the better security. Now I have more control over my network.

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I tried and was told they couldnā€™t guarantee the tech would show up with an xb8. So stock still seems very limited.

Like @BMICH said, the average user isnā€™t going to know how to enable bridge mode on their modem. They are going to be using ISP supplied routers / modems and depend on them.

Wyze needs to get in contact with ISPs, ARRIS and Technicolor (hardware manufacturer of XB7 / XB8). Itā€™s been more than 3 months and going nowhere. I have yet to see any status update from Wyze engineers. Did they even contact anyone at all? It is looking grim if the customers were able to identify the issue and come up with a workaround to fix such a basic feature like connecting to a camera.

This should be a top 3 priority to fix along with the ā€œStolen V3 Cameraā€ thread and Video Doorbell v2 situation before even attempting any beta software / feature. The optics look bad when such critical bugs exist and you have Wyze engineers and Wyze CPO on the beta software / feature thread happily discussing UI layouts and gimmicky AI video search.


They tried to tell me that the stock is limited, but I informed them that XB8 fixed my camera live stream issue, and itā€™s posted on their website that Internet Gigabit comes with a Next-gen WiFi 6E modem. Ask them to ship you the replacement modem instead of sending a technician; that way, it guarantees youā€™re getting the XB8. Itā€™s not hard to replace the modem yourself and ship the old one back. All you need to do is plug in the new modem, wait for the light to turn white, and follow the steps in your home connect app.

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Easy enough fixā€¦Iā€™ll be swapping mine as soon as I get a chance! Thanks for posting!!:+1:t2:

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If the user is savvy enough to do bridge mode, should be savvy enough to connect the new router directly to the modem itā€™s better overall.

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My setup is Eero with Shaw Ignite. I logged into the modem and switched it to bridge mode as recommended, then rebooted the Eero. While waiting for the Eero to reboot, I fell asleep. :joy:When I woke up this morning, I found the Eero offline and all Wi-Fi devices in the house disconnected. I must have done something wrong. I have to head out to work, let just hope when I am home I can fix this mess.

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Apparently where Iā€™m located they donā€™t ship modemsā€¦a tech has to bring itā€¦

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@carverofchoice @grapefruityoda

Itā€™s the people like you and others who have absolutely no skin in the game but are just looking to help people out who deserve all of the credit.

Weā€™re especially lucky as having smart and helpful people browsing these forums is necessary since Wyze is clearly understaffed now with all of their product growth.

Itā€™s not lost on me how time consuming it is to keep up with all of the threads and compose replies, so I tip my hat to everyone that has generously donated their time and expertise to try and help others. This one has definitely been a frustrating one for sure.

It has been said time and time again, this was a much better company for support when they just did cameras.

As a side note, @carverofchoice asked about cameras that might not use TUTK for handshake protocol and I have a Doorbell v2 which was affected so you can cross that off your list to test.

Iā€™d love to know why immediately after a camera reboot it allows the connection. If it is the TUTK protocol being an issue, I wonder if the cameras are using a less secure protocol to connect immediately after reboot until a proper connection is re-established with the Wyze servers. You can reboot the camera and itā€™ll work on next connection only if you connect right away. If you reboot all of the cameras and leave them even for a few mins and try and connect later, no bueno. I do agree with you that some kind of secondary handshake protocol, if possible, would be the way to go.

I may reach out to Shaw to see if theyā€™ll send me an XB8 for science as Iā€™d like to confirm myself if it resolves.

Thanks again to everyone for their help!


I know you want to test XB8 yourself, but itā€™s been good for me for 2 days now, and I keep testing over and over with no issue. Also, if you have a few cameras that you want to view live, itā€™s faster to load up the HomeConnect app, select home, enable protected browsing, wait a few seconds, and disable it. This will give you access to all your cameras until you leave the Wyze app, just like rebooting.


WOW. Just be cautious if you want to try bridge mode. It can disrupt the modem somehow, leaving me without a connection even when using an ethernet cable directly conect modem to your laptop. I couldnā€™t reverse the bridge mode setting myself because no connection and had to call Shaw. They had to turn off bridge mode and reset the modem from they end to restore my connection

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Interesting that I have my own gateway and when I setup my mesh, I created an IoT network with the ssid and password from an extender I used for IoT devices under the gateway. The transition was literally seamless and gave me more options in the mesh. Some mesh systems suggest using their guest network as an IoT network. I didnā€™t like that suggestion and went with mesh that kept everything separate. I still have additional 2.4 and 5ghz network bands plus 6(e)ghz that is dedicated wireless backhaul. Difficult to set up wired backhaul to the other 2 nodes.

I did not have to put my gateway (Motorola 1G) in bridge mode and have had no issues with networks and devices except for infrequent glitches that were fixed fairly quick. However, based on what I am experiencing since the v4 setup and deletion, if things are not back to normal by Monday, I am strongly considering putting my gateway in bridge mode to see what effect it will have with Wyze devices. Still waiting for several to come back and connect in the Wyze app.

Updates to follow!


Although Iā€™m no longer with Rogers, my previous experience with their older modems (CODA-4582) is that if you go in to bridge mode theyā€™ll usually disable the residential gateway and youā€™ll lose the direct access to the modem. The only way for me to regain access is by factory resetting it.

You can probably connect to the modem if you connect your ethernet from your laptop to your own router, but you need to check what IP was assigned to it.

Luckily, Wyze and Alexa connection and livestreaming issues are resolved. All cams back online. All I had to do was just sit and wait it out. Iā€™m still going to hold off setting up the v4 again for a few days. Iā€™ll also hold off on setting my gateway to bridge mode.