With the help of Wyze Support, I got it to work. Thanks, Gene! In following his direction, the only thing I changed was turn on Precision Location on Wyze app and have vac attached to the charging station.
I’ll post his directions here for others to ref.
Before troubleshooting, please make sure your Wyze app is up to date.
Confirm the customer is following the steps outlined in the Wyze Robot Vacuum Setup Guide, here.
Ensure the Wyze app is updated to version 2.26.36 (December 8, 2021) Android &2.26.21 (November 11, 2021) iOS.
If using iOS 14 or later, ensure that Precise Location is ON.
Before set up, turn off the cellular data on your mobile device.
Some devices may try to automatically connect to cellular data while not connected to WiFi. This can prevent successful setup.
Connect your vacuum to the charging station by making sure the slices touch.
The status lights should be lit up, with the vacuum connected to power and charged enough to turn on.
Confirm the status lights are blinking white while attempting setup.
If the status light is pulsing slowly, is solid, or another color, then it’s not in WiFi configuration mode.
Ensure you are connected to a 2.4GHz WiFi network.
Confirm the Wyze Robot Vacuum is within 10 feet of the router for set up.
Try forgetting the Wyze Robot Vacuum WiFi.
While trying to connect to WiFi, the status lights should be blinking white.
If the status light is pulsing slowly, is solid, or another color, then it’s not in WiFi configuration mode.
Still can’t connect to WiFi / complete set up? start setup again, ensuring you have cellular data turned off. If you’re still experiencing issues, go ahead and try rebooting your device and your router.
If you have special characters in the WiFi network name and/or password, try changing it to just letters and numbers.
Check to see if you have the MAC address binding feature on their home router WiFi router disabled.
If you are not sure, try rebooting the router and trying to set it up again.
Factory reset the Wyze Robot Vacuum.
Press and hold the home button for 5 seconds.
You will hear “factory reset will begin.”
Release and hold the home button again for 5 seconds.
You will hear “Factory reset was successful.”
Go through setup.
If the issue persists, please run a RouteThis Helps scan and reply back with the scan key
I finally figured out that my network password and Wi-Fi password both had special characters in them. Once I changed my network and Wi-Fi passwords using only letters and numbers, mine connected the 1st try.
Hope it works for you
a bit strange when I first got the first one everything worked fine until 01/24/2022. Now try to set up the replacement one It’s acting the same way not connecting to the Wi-Fi I tried all the steps except for the one stating password with special characters issue. again this is strange because the first one was set up with the special characters in the password of the Wi-Fi. I just found it very strange that this could be the problem unless there was a update in the firmware that make this an issue.
I’ll try changing the Wi-Fi password tonight if it doesn’t connect vacuum cleaner number two will go back And I will ask for a refund. pretty sad because this was a gift.
This just happened If the wyze app doesn’t pick up this vacuum cleaner why did Alexa pickup?
This also happened to me (aug 29 2022) on android.
Steps to fix:
connect to 2G network
get vacuum to be in pairing mode when both lights are blinking white
on the app, attempt to pair and give credentials for your 2g network
when the white lights are both solid, manually reconnect to the 2g wifi you gave to the robot
you will then be connected.
Problems i encountered:
phone was set to auto reconnect to the 5g network
on the wyze app, my phone never reconnected to the 2G network and was stuck waiting on the app.
I had to move and didn’t update the vacuum for 3 months, current version 1.6.73 and latest is 1.6.202 but i was still able to connect after manually choosing a 2g network and manually reconnecting to 2g wifi on my phone when the wyze vacuum lights were both solid white.
Another problem, robot vacuum would not connect again. Turns out I had to update the firmware of my netgear nighthawk m6 pro and the vacuum would finally connect to the app.
This was after resetting vacuum to factory settings, power cycling the nighthawk m6 AND tp-link RE550.
Took like 10 days to figure out on and off, hope this helps someone.
I’ve been working w support the past few weeks and have had zero success. This was a replacement unit (lidar broke on older one I’ve had for 1.5 years). They won’t replace this one, though I think the unit is fine. I’ve done everything I can, including spending time on phone w google (have their mesh network). I’m sure I"m on 2.4 GHz network, I’ve changed and rebooted my SSID / password, local and precise location on, etc.
Newbie to the forum. Looks like a lot of tech savvy folks who don’t mind being abused by early adoption technology and unstable releases. Bless you for taking arrows in your backs! Technology is so cool.
Soooo: My Robo vac won’t connect to the internet. The first one worked fine, Then tried to erase mapping and start over. No changes, but no connection! Spent many hours with well meaning support people…at least they get paid for the frustration. They sent me a replacement device, I think the original is actually ok, but their software is flawed and does not display the correct error. Reminds me of the old bluetooth paring problems with older cars. To pair the vacuum robots, have tried about a dozen standard settings: 2.4 GHz, data off, Release levels, factory and power resets, etc, etc.
I still have the old device and have now tried both devices with two different Wyze accounts to make sure the cache (which I cleared in both accounts) did not retain anything unwanted.
In the dozens (hundreds?) of pairing attempts, I now have two suspicions:
I was able to temporarily connect once or twice by putting the cell phone directly on top of the device when the app was looking for the device (green icon with pulsing bars),
After “forgetting” the device on my call settings, the app goes directly to connect, rather than reverting to the app’s pulsing wi-fi icon. The device then shows “Connected without internet.” The app then goes into a loop, rather than following the intended path through the pulsing wi-fi icon.
Any and all comments appreciated!
Thanks everyone! Enjoy your day!
Thought I’d post this with the odds-defying hope that a Wyze developer will some day read this. I like Wyze products, but I wonder if they can add a more direct link from the user to the designers without disrupting their business model. …since I do not see any Wyze developers at least acknowledge they read any posts, This forum just seems like a dumping ground for the CS wizards to dump anything they can’t handle. I guess it’s cheaper to replace a perfectly good product!
I have done everything that customer service has listed and still can’t get mine to connect to WiFi.
App is up to date
Factory reset
Turn off cell service and connect to 2.4 WiFi
Reset vac WiFi, both lights flash white
Go into app, connect to vac WiFi
And it just sits there flashing connecting.
Weird thing is that even after factory reset, light still flash.
Pulled vac off charger, turned off for 30 sec, reconnected to charger. Turned vac back on and it still flashes white.
I’ve been following this “best of breed” thread for about 2 years now. Just got pinged with
anote having to with auto correct! Thought I’d post this for kicks.
I have two Vacuums (one original, one replacement) that won’t connect to WiFi,
I’ve tried all the helpful hints here. It should not be that difficult and Wyze should NOT launch this stuff. That’s the way small startups do it, I guess, User does the beta testing.
What I found interesting is that Wyze admitted in writing that it’s THEIR software problem. Happy to post it if anyone still cares.
Gave up fiddling with minutia. I know of no other Bluetooth or WiFi device that’s this bad.
I used to like Wyze. Well meaning, smart little group. …and their wizards are nice people who as one poster said, at least get paid for their time.