Sense Not Working Since Firmware ( Update

Since the firmware update the other day ( - my sense sensors might work 10% of the time.

Anyone else having this issue?

Every door in the house has a contact sensor, and I have three motion sensors all run off three bridges. All are working 100% since the beta firmware and app updates.

Yes, I’m having again the same issues with the contact sensors that I had when I installed the previous 4.10.6.x beta firmware. I detailed the issues in this previous post of mine.
Do you mind checking if you can reproduce the same problems?

I don’t think that is the same issue that the OP describes.

Yes, it does not appear to be possible to enable the “Is left open” or “Is left closed” but the sensors STILL detect open and closed.

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That is exactly the same behavior that I had/have with both 4.10.6.x firmware versions

Again, your issue is not what the OP describes.

Sorry I think I misinterpreted your previous message, you were describing my problem, not OP’s problem, that’s why it was exactly the same as what I’m experiencing :sweat_smile:
Anyway, OP doesn’t give a lot of explanation on what are the issues they’re having. That’s why I asked if they can try to reproduce what I described in my post to understand if it’s the same problem, or not. If it turns out to be different, that’s useful information for the Wyze team, or perhaps there may be some other way we can help solve part of the problems.

One of two of my door sensor kept staying open until I power cycled the cam with the hub. It’s only been one time so far.

Sorry to hear the update has had a negative impact on the sensors’ performance. Can you clarify what is working and what isn’t?

One instance of incorrect open door sensor. I installed the Wyze came beta that has the hub. It only happened once. It’s been fine after a power cycle

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How do you set is left open? When I tap on it I select 5 minutes. Exit out and when I come back it’s unchecked. Am I missing something here? Is there supposed to be a save button?

Normally you would simply set it and exit out and it will save it. The latest firmware broke the functionality so if you had it set up before (like me) you can’t disable it in the interface, and if it was disabled (like in your case) you can’t enable it. In any case, the notification for “left open/close” do not work, no matter if the setting is stuck on or off. If you want to use it, revert the camera firmware back to the previous version.

When I installed firmware - all contact and motion sensors would not update at all.

I rebooted cameras with bridges (there are 2), removed the bridges, then I power cycled them as well with no luck.

Since I am using the sensors to monitor my home when I am away - I didn’t want to leave them in a unusable state, so I re-flashed back onto the 2 cameras with a bridge (I left the other 8 with the new firmware), and they are working fine now. (I did also stop using the beta app as well for the time being)

One thing to note - when I re-flashed the cameras, I did have to completely remove them from the app, and re ‘install’ them before they would connect. Most of the directions state that you do not have to remove them after re-flashing.

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I had a similiar issue. My sensors wouldn’t work at all. I rolled back to 98 manually and everything works fine again. 111 was unstable with sensors. 104 just wouldn’t work.