- Improved performance
[Mod edit] Removed the space within the firmware numbers again to assist with searches.
[Mod edit] Removed the space within the firmware numbers again to assist with searches.
Updating now… Will report back when done
Update completed really quickly - no issues to report. Will monitor and test
Should I or shouldn’t I? Eagerly awaiting your report.
My hub has been running great since the previous update, so since I’m not home to troubleshoot any issues I’ll wait until I’m home first. I look forward to others’ reports.
Same here.
It sure would be nice to know what “performance improvements” we’re supposed to be testing.
Go for it, everything on my side seems to be functioning. Tones, Motion Sensors, Contact Sensors, Leak Sensors, and Temp. Sensors
Updating now…
If you have issues, I will send you my hub.
Thank you, but I have a new spare.
Update was fast and painless. Hub is connected via WiFi. Everything working well!
Cool, I also have a spare hub.
Updated successfully in about 1 minute. Nothing of note to report.
I updated and now mine broke feel free to send me yours. Lol jk but everything went fine, not seeing any issues so far, updated over LAN.
Glad it worked for you…
Does this have the RTSP protocol/functionality in it? I really would like to update, but i need that.
I’m a bit confused by your question.
This firmware is for the Sense Hub V2. It is not for any cam streaming. I’m not sure why you would need RTSP on the hub.
Thanks. Missed understood the product the firmware was for.
No worries!
Here is a post from August on the Wyze Help Website you may find really useful on that subject:
Has anyone else had trouble installing this version? It keeps failing when I try to install their Beta. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
What version is it currently on? Was it up to date prior to this Beta?