Second Account

Has anyone added a second account for a second house? How does the app deal with it?

Welcome @bin

you can add as many accounts you would like, but they have to have different email addresses when setting them up.

Then you will need to logout of one account and into the other when you are wanting to control or see the other house.


  • You cannot have the app loaded twice on one device and have each account logged in.

  • You cannot Have both accounts logged into one app at the same time.

  • You can have 2 phones or tablets and have one logged in with one account and the other logged in with the second account.

What are you looking at doing or needing?


I like @spamoni’s follow-up question, because I think knowing more about @bin’s use case will help other Forum members to provide better information.

Here are genuine questions I have for anyone who wants to answer:

  1. What’s the purpose of the My Home setting in the app at Account ➜ Home?
  2. Does the Address setting on that screen figure into Wyze Home Monitoring? (I would guess completing this setting would be a requirement for Home Monitoring.)
  3. Is the Address used to determine device time zones in any way? (I know time zone settings on Wyze cameras are a real problem for people who travel and/or have properties in disparate time zones.)
  4. Is it possible to add more than one address here, or does the app limit the Home setting to a single physical address? Here I’m thinking specifically about the Google Home app, which allows users to create multiple “homes” with or without actual physical addresses (and there are legitimate use cases for creating virtual homes, in my experience).

I’m asking for my own curiosity and also because I think the answers might be relevant to @bin with managing more than one physical address. I’ve never actually taken the time to set up this part of the app myself, because it’s seemed unnecessary to me, but I’m curious about what advice other Forum members might share.


Also remember any subscriptions apply to only one account.


Disclaimer: The terms and conditions technically say we’re only allowed a single account, but Wyze has never enforced this to my knowledge, and it seems to mostly be included in the terms to ensure there aren’t loopholes for a sanctioned user to just create a new account and claim Wyze can’t hold them to the sanction on a different account as it is part of the same paragraph to close that loophole:

You may not create more than one Wyze account. You may not use, purchase or sign up for any of the Products or Services if you were previously prohibited by Wyze from using the Products or Services.

Again, they’ve never enforced this to my knowledge, and I have seen them even encourage people to create a secondary account for things like Home Monitoring for a second property, so they have even encouraged people to create a second account in some situations. I just wanted to point out that it is technically a violation of the terms and conditions since this whole topic is about second accounts.

For what it is worth, I have at least 3 Wyze accounts, though the extras were technically initially created when an employee actually told me to create them, so there’s that.


True, should have mentioned that.

That sounds awkward. I guess I should go to another company for a second property unless push notifications come through without logging in.

Why not have only one account and put both properties in that one account? Are you using any services like the Home Monitoring Service? If you have only cameras for example you can easily have everything on one account.

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I’d like to have Home Monitoring and push notifications for both properties. I actually do have a group of cameras for another location currently but would need more service than just that for what I’m thinking of adding.

Or can I just set up a second Sense Hub in the new location and Noonlight will monitor both through the same account?

Only one hub communicates with NoonLight. The second would only be available for automation and notification via the Wyze App.

I guess we’ll look into Simplisafe. What a shame.

As stated above by others, only if you set up a second account and pay a separate subscription.

They will allow you to use the same account, though you’ll have to pay a separate subscription for each, and it is a little more expensive.

I am actually surprised Wyze hasn’t added second home support yet. They mentioned trying to work this out a long time ago, but it hasn’t been implemented yet. Maybe it’s something they’re considering with their new subscription updates. We don’t know enough about it yet.

This is interesting information. I haven’t given a lot of thought to Wyze Home Monitoring, but I can see how that could factor into someone’s decision. Thank you for sharing this.

That’s my understanding, as well. Not only that, if you want to share SimpliSafe app access with someone else (spouse, child, neighbor), you also have to share your owner account credentials, because they still haven’t implemented a provision for sharing/delegating account access.

With SimpliSafe I believe you get push notifications from the app only if you’re logged in (and the login must be the owner account), but they also provide a means for configuring SMS notifications within the app, and you can set these up for users (phone numbers) who aren’t logged in. These are actually kind of handy. I get text messages whenever my base station loses/regains its Wi-Fi connection (when I reboot the ISP gateway) and whenever a sensor has an error or is restored (usually a low battery issue).

That is handy, especially for connection issues.

For anything other than a connection issue, it’s easy in Android to have something else setup to do this (Tasker, MacroDroid). Though since I use Home Assistant I can have Home Assistant send me a text message if HMS is unresponsive or unavailable. I should actually probably do that. I don’t know why I never thought about adding that as an automation. Thanks for the idea, buddy!

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