SD card not found on my pan cam

android or iOS? is this in beta? I don’t see anything in the iOS app store.

Android 14

this was indeed not fixed :frowning: and i’ve seen more similar issues with other cameras

This happens every few days for me. I have to restart the cam multiple times or power cycle to get it to show back up. New SDs format etc. not making a difference. Something I’ve learned to live with.

Wyze should fix this but I don’t think they know how. I have the same problem. They offer cam plus and it is unusable because the sd cards are not recognized (sd card not found) under events/playback so I cancelled it. I can only use my cameras for live viewing.

You don’t need an SD card for cam plus, they are two separate things.

Right, the problem is when cam plus, ultimate etc is not working or the device is not connected to WiFi for x reasons then a large micro SD card is handy as it will store and forward when the network is back up. Since Wyze doesn’t offer local storage any other way short of flashing RTSP firmware or a custom firmware and have the necessary skill set to get it working, a SD with ample storage is almost a must on any part of the globe.

Just like happened to me again early this morning thanks to my ISP $#@&*^@ Xfinity.
I had one cloud video but review of the SD cards showed a lot of different events.
I did a speed check on my PC that is usually 560 down and 23 up. Download was 0.3 MB, I didn’t check the upload. Apparently the ISP did some unannounced maintenance again, twice in two weeks. Restarting my router fixed it all.
The Samsung High Endurance cards I use for continuous recording work great for issues like this.

Understood, but @vitocloe was saying they cancelled their cam plus subscription since it couldn’t be used without microSD card, but that isn’t’ the case. I suspect they were tapping the wrong place to view the cloud videos.

No, I was tapping the right place. I spent a lot of time with the Wyze Wizards who could not fix the issue of “no sd card found” under events, playback. I was told to buy a new cameras, I did replace one of my V2 cameras with a V3 camera and it worked. I am not about to replace all 7 of mt V2 cameras so I cancelled cam plus, it is unreliable.

I’m currently getting a microsd card not found error on my cam pan v3 when I have the SD card in and it works on playback but not from events

This is a known issue with the events tab and Panv3 (and I believe Camv3 now too). Until it is resolved, just have to view the events from the main camera screen, either by sliding up the “drawer” at the bottom or by just going to the SD card and jumping through them there.

If you submit a log file and open a ticket with support that may help get it resolved faster.

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I also have this same issue with pan cam v3 sd card playback not working in event mode, but working from timeline mode. see also No SD card playback of events - #40 by steve1313