I verified it too. With the cam at SD and HD it works like it should. When it is set at 360p it does the weird zoom/crop thing
Yep, verified!
I put the cam in 360p mode, entered Playback, recorded a 10-second SD card clip, then went to the Photos app to take a peek. Zoomed! Into the upper-left corner.
Did the same thing with a V2, and it was good. Did the same thing from the V3’s live feed, and it was good.
Returned the live feed to ‘HD’, then re-entered SD card Playback. Recorded a clip there, and it was full-sized!
So it looks like it doesn’t care what resolution the SD card recorded at, just whether the V3’s live feed is set to 360p.
I also saw some weirdness with the clips not being as long as I recorded (like 6 seconds instead of 12), but I didn’t have any activity to see if they were also double-speed.
So it appears to me ATM that it is the 360p live view setting that is messing things up. Take it out of 360p, and you can record from the SD card. But when it is in 360p, everything is zoomed.
I will see if I can get some eyes on this.
BTW, the only thing I had in common with you was the V3 firmware, unless you haven’t updated to the 2.23 app yet. I was using an iPhone 6 plain on iOS 12.
Devs: Log in ticket #269063.
We could use logs from you guys too. Post them in your descriptions above.
Good work!
Forgive my ignorance, but how exactly do we post logs?
App version v2.23.21
Camera Wyze Cam v3 firmware
Thanks again for helping track this down!
It is on your app open the cam go to settings>WYZE Support>Submit a log
I can also confirm this is happening too. Log #269107
Post the log number here. The log will also be sent to developers, but it’s helpful to have all related logs in one place (here in this case).
You guys did all the hard work.
Read this all the way thru before you try this.
To post a log about a device, go into the device settings of the V3 you have been experimenting with. Then Wyze Support > Submit a Log > Micro SD Card Performance. Explain the situation and make sure ‘Send Log Files’ is checked, then submit.
You will get the number of the ticket that holds that log. Post that number in the post where you duplicated the issue. If Support replies to your log via email, ignore them, they can’t help. The log will go to the Developers who will associate it to this issue because of a heads-up I hope they get from me.
If you have been tinkering with the camera since you tested, then they’ll need a time reference to find the issue in the log. But a good thing to do instead is just go thru the process again before you submit the log!
Let us know if any questions.
The Wyze programmers probably won’t even need the log files.
This is a simple bug, if I’m not mistaken. Somewhere in the code, they are calculating the pixel width and height of the output image wrong.
Never assume, always provide. That’s my motto.
But yes, they may not need the files.
Thank you so much for testing. We will investigate on this issue!
Same issue with WyzE Cam V3 firmware , iPhone app v2.22.21
Solved as indicated in this post, namely avoiding 360p live stream setting when you want to record from playback. Thank you.
Same issue but the above workaround works.
V3 4.36.319
APP iOS 2.24.52
iOS ver 14.8
Log 298982
Does not happen on CamPan or V2
If I have Cam Plus
And I have selected a long Event in the Events tab and am playing it
And I want to save just a portion of the Event so that I can share or post it
And I cue up and Record from the beginning to the end of that portion
Is the clip saved to the System Gallery or the Wyze app Album?
I have only Cam Plus Lite and there is no Record function available when viewing a 12-sec Event so I can’t test it.
And there isn’t Help documentation in Wyze Support that describes it from what I can tell.
Anyone? Thanks in advance.
I don’t have an Android device but with iOS devices mine are saved in my iPhone/iPad photo/video folder.
The is a folder in the iOS Albums named WYZE. It is also save in the Camera Album on WYZE app, I just tested it with a 10 second video recorded from playback. If I delete it from the iOS device it is also deleted from the camera Album on the WYZE app. This is all on a V3 with Cam Plus.
Whoops. Tried to be specific but forgot the platform, thanks Antonius.
Interesting. So Android 6.01, Nexus 7…
Internal storage = /storage/emulated/0
Wyze Album
When you Record a segment of an SD Card Event in a specific camera’s Playback
it goes to the Wyze app Album *
When you Record a clip in Live View
it goes to the Wyze app Album *
When you delete the file of the recorded segment (using an external file manager)
it is deleted from the Wyze app Album
System Gallery
When you Download a 12-sec Event from the Event tab
it goes to the System Gallery
Still can’t say for sure, in Android…
where a recorded segment of a Cam Plus Event residing in the Wyze app Event tab…
…is stored.
But we’re closer.
* A still image thumbnail (png) corresponding to each saved video file is also in the directory
More Android file stuff… Don’t forget the minor mystery just above
A long time ago cloud clip Events were cached as regular mp4’s in an un-hidden directory - no device ‘root’ necessary to access and play via an external file manager.
If I recall correctly, they changed Event caching to a compressed format where an Event is saved in pieces then reassembled by the App when selected by a user to re-view.
I think the cache directory is hidden now but I’m not certain.
Everything downloaded/saved under Android is accessible, but where they are located depends on Android version, device UI and on some devices, system preferences.
Exceptions and expansions… this technology is a bother for a hidebound minimalist like me.
For instance, BlueStacks Android 7 emulator, OnePlus 5 profile:
System Gallery
Wyze Album
/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/wyze/Cam Pan/manual
Both different directories than Android 6 Nexus 7 eg a few posts above…
But the storage behavior is the same…
I’m tapped out (no more ‘devices’ or OS versions to try… )