Duh, all along I thought OP was downloading from CamPlus. That what it says on the very first post. Sorry.
I’m unable to reproduce this problem.
iPhone 7, 12 and iPad Pro 12.9 all running 14.7.1
Wyze app 2.22.32
V3 with Cam Plus running firmware
Tested following scenarios in both landscape and portrait modes:
- Record from Live Stream
- Photo from Live Stream
- Save Cam Plus AI-tagged Event to system gallery
- Record from Cam Plus AI-tagged Event Playback
- Photo from Cam Plus AI-tagged Event Playback
- Save standard motion Event to system gallery
- Record from standard motion Event Playback
- Photo from standard motion Event Playback
- Record from random SD Playback
- Photo from random SD Playback
No problems encountered.
I told the OP what to do 2 days ago then again today. His reply “If anyone actually knows the answer to this I’d love to hear it.” “F” it I hope the bear eats his camera.
I just tested and everything was fine. I am using iOS 14.7 then tested with iOS 14.7.1,
@Antonius is correct on the steps to save a video from tour SD Card using the Wyze App. the only other option is to remove the card and remove the video from a computer.
Note, I did have a zoom issue after installing 14.7.1. I redid the recording again - as @Antonius outlined, and it did save without issue.
Try again and see if the same thing happens.
And indeed that’s what I’m trying to do! It’s still unclear to me how to know when I’m viewing Cam Plus and when I’m viewing off SD Card.
So you did at least see the zoom issue once. FWIW, it’s done this here on two platforms - guess I’ve reached the “who knows?” place on this. Next time I’m up I’ll try pulling the SD card, resetting/formatting everything and see if anything improves.
K, thanks for trying. I guess it’s unknown at this point what’s going on, because as stated in my very first post (I believe) that’s exactly what I’m doing.
Do appreciate your trying though!
Events tab = Cam Plus
Playback button = SD card
Do you have any other cams to try or just the one v3?
I have a handful of 'em - it seems clear to me now that at least I’ve been doing it the way it’s supposed to be done (though with some misunderstandings of what Cam Plus provides vs SD Card recording). I’m gonna have to do some troubleshooting and see if I can narrow this down, and find out why my saved recordings are partial frames when everyone else’s seem to work just fine.
Thanks for the input - this will clearly be an ongoing project…
I have this exact same problem. None of the suggestions provided make a difference. Was there ever a resolution found? And to be clear, here’s the process. See event and as it starts playing press the playback button that looks like an sd card. Press the record button. It records the clip and saves it to photos on my phone. But the clip is just as OP stated, it appears to be zoomed in and cropped. The app only records the top left section of the video.
Transferred the recorded video to a PC it is the same, zoomed in and cropped.
That’s interesting.
I wonder if the phone’s orientation (landscape vs portrait) is a factor in the problem. If you have the time, could you repeat the test, but with the orientation switched?
I don’t know what is happening to your videos. I just recorded this clip from playback to my iPhone. This is just 10 seconds of a 56 second clip, V3 on Cam Plus.
Changing the orientation does not help. I believe it is a resolution issue. I have the video set to 360p. I live on the country with terrible internet options.
I just changed it to SD and will test it later. If it works I will post back
No resolution here, but good to know I’m not the only one with this problem.
Are you also at 360p resolution like BrianBo’s?
Yes, I’ll try setting to SD and see if it makes a difference. Remote cabin with typical off-grid internet (i.e., 360p is really preferred).
Thanks for the thought - I’ll let you know!
Good thought! This does seem to be the problem!
At 360p when viewing playback and recording it you get the cropped video.
When recording livestream you get normal video.
At SD, viewing playback and recording is normal.
So here anyway, it’s a combination of two things: Camera is set to 360p and you’re trying to record playback of previous video stream (not live stream).
So if you set your camera to SD, recording playback will not work.
This does indeed seem like a bug if others can verify.