Rules to operate original bulbs not working

It seems after the latest update of the wyze app v2.31.0.145, rules/triggers to turn on and off wyze bulb v1 no longer works. This includes rules with motion sensors and contact sensors. Both v1 and v2 sensors.

Wyse what is going on here? Are you trying to force me to use wyze bulb white and or wyze bulb color?

Sounds like you may be affected by the server issue just announced:


Yeah i actually just discovered that. I added a single bulb and the trigger/rule worked fine. But it doesn’t work for a group of bulbs.


Yep, I can confirm your findings. Been sending Wyze some logs and as you can see they were able to reproduce the issue.

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I just saw a report which Wyze indicates they have corrected the issue. I tested mine and it seems to be working now. you may want to try our rules.

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Yes it works now. Thanks!