For IOS 1.6.97 is the latest version. I saw that you are using android.
Yss I’m Android. I saw an announcement about the ios issue at the top
My situation is similar . It’s getting less “Wyze” and dumber dumber. It keeps getting stuck in some invisible box of its own making; sometimes it gets out, but sometimes, after about two minutes, it announces that cleaning is finished and goes back to charge.
I think I figured a bit out. I have noticed on quick mapping it makes a bad off square map, bumps things like crazy, stutters along walls etc well…
I had these problems too so I decided to try the option of resetting the map and pressing clean instead. At first I thought it wasn’t mapping the house right (pic1) but I waited and realized it was just creating odd rooms and cleaning them just in case it ran out of battery it would know where to go and also have large areas clean between charges if needed.
Ideally I would have thought it would go around the whole house then divide into rooms and then go clean them but I’m not the programmer.
That being said after it completed mapping and vacuuming, it has been working so much better. Rosie has no more gaps in walls to try to go through, the map hasn’t twisted and doubled, it hasn’t got lost in corners, etc. It’s like a different machine. This was definitely worth doing and has made my experience with this bot so much better.