Red light spying on me

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Keep your wits about you as you pursue this, mswiseone, take @carverofchoice 's advice and secure legit folk in the physical world to help you, don’t rush, take your time.

Check back in down the road with your results, if you like, present evidence calmly, carry on.

I say this while deferring to the judgment of the moderators and Wyze staff - they ultimately decide what is acceptable here.


Let’s get you properly secured by using an authenticator app on your phone. I use the Microsoft Authenticator app on my phone. Even if someone knew your password, they do not physically have your phone which is where the 2FA codes are generated. SMS codes can be intercepted and are often unencrypted. Preferably, a physical hardware key like a Yubikey is the best way to go, but not practical to contantly plug in/out of your phone if you have USB C port.

Once you setup an authenticator app with Wyze, Wyze will log out all devices so if someone was somehow logged into your account, they will be logged out. Try that and let me know if it solves your problem.


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I don’t see it in Playgstore.

Found it in playstore via google search. Installing.

My hacker neighbours are blocking my sign in. I received a code to verify email but now they use a fake error message it seems to say code doesn’t work. They issue fake error messages often.

This is what they were doing to my Wyze app a few days ago. Kick me out to log in snd dont allow login to work.

Thank you

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Ok i seem to be set up with 2 factor id on that app.

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How do I set this up with Wyze?
This sounds great.

I can do all of thast except my hackers are blocking me from the Add A count page. I have the info from wyze and im sifnex into Microsoft authentication app but it wont let me go to Add Account so i can set it up.

1. Open your authenticator app, and select Add Account .
2. Copy the code provided by the Wyze app to the authenticator app.

  • If your preferred authenticator app directs to QR entry, look for an option that lets you enter the code manually. The Wyze app will not provide you with a QR code.

3. Once Wyze has been added to the authenticator app, copy the provided code from the authenticator app to the Wyze app.

Once the verification code has been copied to the Wyze app, you’ll be given a backup code that will let you back in if you’re unable to use the authenticator app. Save this in a location other than your phone to make sure it’s available should you ever need it.

If Microsoft Authenticator is installed on your phone, there is no way anyone is blocking you from opening MA and adding an account. Please note that no QR code is generated to scan, but rather you have to manually enter the code provided. Please see the highligted section in #2 above.

Take your time and follow step by step. Good luck! Cheers!

@Crease Thanks for the assist on attempting to guide with the info that was already written about 2FA. At this point it truly is pretty straightforward.


No sweat. I don’t use the Microsoft Authenticator, but I like the Authenticator built into Sophos Intercept X for Mobile and have my tokens copied so they’re usable on two different phones. I linked specifically to the “Authenticator App” section of the Help Center article so that it’s highlighted in Chromium-based browsers (Firefox doesn’t handle the fragment directive correctly).

I try this repeatedly but when I have copied code from Wyze and go to MS authenticater app and am signed in I only have 3 choices under add account.
MS personal
MS work or school
Other google Facebook etc
I can only add another email account.
There is nowhere to paste the Wyze code.

Sorry to bug you but if this can work I might get blue lights again.

I set up a second MS account. Same thing.
No place to paste wyze code into
How should it look? My hackers ate having fun. They certainly dont want me to use MS auth. App.
I saw online it has issues with android.
I have tried to. Contact MS all day.

You simply select “Other”. This does not require any email account. After you select other account, you enter the code from Wyze. It will automatically know it is Wyze that is being added. And you should see Wyze listed on the main screen of the authenticator.

Just be patient and read the instructions carefully. It truly is pretty straightforward as it guides you.

Try again following my instructions above and let me know how it goes. Cheers!


But now what? MS will give me a one passcode for wyze but should i have removed the current password from wyze so bad guys cant log in and use the new passcode? .
I tried but didnt work.
Where does the one time passcode go? Sorry my bad.
How do i keep the bad guys out and have blue lights on my cameras?
At your leisure…
You are appreciated greatly.

That’s all. If you read my post, I said that ALL devices will be logged out once you added the authenticator. I also said that even if someone knew your password, it does them no good because you “hold the key” so to speak which is your phone with the MSA application. So when they attempt to log in, it will prompt them for the authentication code. Even if they downloaded the MSA app, it will do them no good because the MSA app on your phone is linked to Wyze already with a unique fingerprint.

Please take the time to read through this. You can not properly use the app if you do not understand how it all works. It has everything that you need to know regarding MSA app. How to add your accounts to Microsoft Authenticator - Microsoft Support

Glad to have been able to help you. Be sure to like my post, snap your fingers twice, and say bye bye bad guys you have been banished from my cameras!