I was previously told a while back that if my three v3 cameras show a red light almost always that it means someone is watching live stream other than me. This is ongoing with an occasional switch to blue light temporarily.
I really need to have hard facts in order to report this. Would you have the information on who is logged into my 3 cameras available when authorities require? Is that info available?
They also disconnect my cameras and even deleted or blocked info from the playback stream.
Thank you
It also means it’s sending video, likely of you moving and triggering it to the cloud and AI for analysis.
A third party? Not me not Wyze
It used to be solid blue
If you are on the new app 3xx
If you go to favorites, depending on if cameras are grouped or not grouped, the red light may be on for a minute or more (a lot more). This is only if the app is opened. When app is closed all my cameras go to blue.
Knowing which firmware you’re using on your Cam v3s (i.e., whether or not they’re up to date) might also be important to determining what’s happening. A firmware update released last month specifically addressed the status LED on Cam v3: (July 18, 2024)
- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect LED status
Yes it’s up to date
I’m trying to explore this. It’s red when app is closed on my phone.
If you are in view of the camera it doesn’t make any difference if the app is open or closed the cam will still record you. Go to setting event recording> turn off record motion events and walk in front of the camera and see if the status light is red or blue. Turn the record events back on and walk in view off the cam and it should be red. If you are seeing the status light the camera is seeing you.
Solid blue light Camera is powered, connected, and working properly.
This is what i want. I have a neighbour that hacks my devices phones dog trimmer laptop power bank PC etc etc
I know they are obsessed with controlling me and my dog in shifts so 24 hours a day.
I dont want them viewing me. I do want it to record during the day to see how they are effecting us for evidence. I want my privacy and security.
Hi mswiseone
You understand, from an oustsider’s POV, this is certainly possible, but not very likely.
At any rate, I hope things improve and you get the outcome you seek.
Here is the one that comes up REGULARLY. If you are in front of the camera and making any motion, the camera is likely uploading to the Wyze servers for cloud recording, and AI analysis. Perfectly normal. It does NOT mean someone else is watching.
When the camera detects motion it records an event video, the light will be red during that time, then go back to blue. Totally normal. Does not (necessarily) mean someone is watching. If you disable event recording you’ll see it stops doing it.
Red for 5-10 secs then back to blue is an event being recorded. Red for longer than that is someone watching. Of course someone could watch for 5-10 seconds and it would look like an event but it is unlikely someone would do that regularly and consistently.
Its red most of every day.
Red red red
I want it to be blue like it used to be.
So if you look at it for 10-15 seconds, it stays red, doesn’t change back to blue?
Are you able to view the camera fine through your app? If not the camera could have failed, as a solid red light can denote that too.
If you can view the camera fine, have you shared the camera with anyone? First change your Wyze password, then go in to the sharing option in the app and delete anything that is there.
mswiseone -
Have you changed your password? If not, do it now.
Do you use 2-factor authorization? If not, turn it on.
Then let us know if you think you still have the problem.
Is it red when you are in its view? Is event recording enabled?
It is normal for it to be red when it is detecting motion, as it sends video to the cloud for detection.
Try this: Turn off all event recording & notifications. Then walk in front of the camera with the app closed (not viewing video). The light should stay blue.
They are into my cameras watching and listening always. Zero privacy. The love to change my online camera views too.