Playback Function

While checking a past event recording then pressing playback it doesn’t jump to the date and time of the event I chose. Instead it goes a couple minutes before the live feed only. All my cameras and I have 3 versions. Might be the app after the last update.

I am experiencing this issue on IOS too. The Android App version 2.43 is fine.

I seldom use my @#$%^&* iPhone for Wyze except to test reports like this. Just tried it with events from last night. Yes, it initially does go to the realtime video, but then quickly switches to the time for the event video and starts playing. The Android skips momentary realtime video before going to the time of the event.
So yes, it is different, but does get you to playback at the time of the event.

I’ve got the same issue. It goes to about 5 minutes before the live feed.

If I manually slide the time back to slightly before the event time and let it play, the recording is there.

I have Cam V3, firmware, set to continuous recording on 32GB SD card. App version 2.43.0 (12) on iOS 16.5.1 (iPhone SE, 2nd Gen)

I just reported the same issue. I have 2 cameras, V3 and Pan. It’s only happening on the V3. I use iOS.

WYZE said they are aware and are working on it.

Is there any update on this? I am experiencing the same issue on IOS for almost a month.

I hear it is fixed in the latest Beta version of the App that is currently being tested.

Thanks! I will give that a try.

This thread has discussion about Playback bug being fixed in Beta.