All the sudden my pan cam v3 devices wont pan left right. At first it was one device, now im finding more doing the same.
The more i use wyze the more i want to tear them all down and get a different brand without so many issues.
All the sudden my pan cam v3 devices wont pan left right. At first it was one device, now im finding more doing the same.
The more i use wyze the more i want to tear them all down and get a different brand without so many issues.
Same issue here. My Pan Cams do not PAN correctly. I try manual control and their response is unpredictable. Sometimes they move but always overshoot
and go all the way to far left or right. Other times no response from my manual control attempt. However, this malfunction is all new since about a week ago. Prior they worked correctly.
Deleted all Waypoints and REsetup and SAVED the new waypoint positions. I Rebooted my cameras.
It appeares that they are working like they are supposed to now. Question is why would all of the PAN v3 cameras become non-functioning in this way and ALL at the same time?
I believe @Njd1963’s issue may be failing motors. Seems odd that there would be multiple doing it, but I guess if they’re the same age, it wouldn’t be surprising for them to start doing it around the same time. That being said, I have one Panv3 that has basically been watching a tennis match for 2 years, a busy street with cars going by all the time, and no problems. Though I wonder if you use the “pan/scan” feature, the fact that it is always tracking the exact same path might wear it out quicker?
Your issue sounds more like connectivity. I have one Panv3 that is on the fringe of my wifi and during bad weather or when the spectrum is very congested (6pm-ish when people are all home using stuff) it can do what you describe. The natural instinct is to push the arrow button repeatedly if it isn’t moving, but it batches those up and sends them when it can, so you end up moving it a lot further than you expect. For my pan cams, I never use the arrow buttons, I just swipe on the image which moves it, and you’re less likely to run into the issue you note, if you swipe and it doesn’t move, just wait a bit and it will.
Getting a better wifi signal to that cam (sometimes repositioning your router or changing the channel is all it needs) should fix that problem.