two of my wyze cam pan v/3 are not moving I have 3 , all at different locations on different routers…I have changed nothing and all are updated…what is going on…they still monitor and record in the assigned areas, they just don’t move. I don’t use pan scan, never have..
Your issue reminds me of another recent topic where at least one user was able to get the cameras working as expected again:
What troubleshooting have you attempted?
Based on experience, 2 common reasons for this are
• Not enough power; are you using the stock power adapter and USB cable?
• Unstable connection; maybe someone in the neighborhood added a new router and the channel is busy? When I had this problem, I still had a stable live view, but panning failed.
don’t use way points and rebooted all non moving pan cams and still not moving, Probably this all started this about 2 months ago.. I may just completely remove and reinstall and try that. thanks
I use stock cable and power on one that is not moving, working, but not moving. The other is have extension , but stock power…However, it was not working before I went to the extension for an outdoor connection. Possible uninstall and reinstall, it still works correctly, just doesn’t follow objects anymore. I use 3 wyze at 3 different places, with 3 different routers(different towns). One of the cameras is in apt complex, could be a channel thing? thanks again
Pan V3s have “Track Motion” set by default. Is it possible this was turned off by mistake?
according to instructions you cannot use motion dectection along with track motion. Cameras were all moving a few months ago, they still work, just don’t track..So, I don’t see this as a answer for me…but I do appreciate the information.
That’s not true. I have track motion set and the SD card is still recording on my cam V3. So obviously it’s detecting motion.
sorry, I meant the" detection zone"…when you go to turn on the motion tracker it says I have my detection zone on, so would have to disable that…my cameras always were able to scan and move when I set my detection settings on and used the detection zone…sorry for the confusion.
That makes sense. Why use zones on a panning camera? Just use a fixed camera then because the zone only applies to one particular direction.
That explains why it stopped panning; “Track Motion” was silently turned off, as I suspected.