Notification issue no matter the way i set the Detector zone

Hi Everyone

here is my problem with my Wyze OG camera.

no matter the way i set the Detector zone for my parking lot and my from lawn without the street view.

It always trigger alert of passing car in the street. My goal is to detect car movement, peoples, pets and parcel in my property not in public street.

Every time i get the notif on cell. Usually i am home all week long as i work from home so the car is in the driveway unless my wife is using it.

Today Sunday we went out for a sunday drive to a Wine Route for tasting. I did not get any alerts.

At 11h03 i had 5 alerts because we were boarding the car. We left a 11h09 and return at 16h42. No alerts for that time period. Then after a quick shower we left for dinner from 17h12 and return at 19h09. Again no passing car alerts while away. Then i start to get alerts for every car passing by in the street. From 19h45 to 20h52 i got 21 alerts.

What i am doing wrong? Why when the car is in the driveway i get alarm for passing car in the street and none when my car is not in sight of the camera.? Wierd.

in the Picture below this is my actual setup for Detection Zone i have tried both varian and same result, cars in the street are triggering the alarms all the time.

Motion Detection sensitivity is at 50, Motion Tagging ON, Sound Detec 0

Notification is ON and Person, Pet, Vehicule and package is selected for Record and Notify.

Also just happening 2 pedestriants just passed by in the street and i get alert for Person and vehicule. The only Vehicule in the recording is my own that is not moving , king of weird.
How can i be only warn for stuff happening inside my property only not for the hole view of the camera.


Try 2 things for me. First, Turn on the green Motion tag box in the settings. Then temporarily block out these extra grid squares too and see if it makes any difference:

You can always switch back to unblocking them again afterward, but I would like to get confirmation.

If it still happens, will you review one of the offending videos and see if the green motion tag crosses into the detection zone in ANY WAY at all, and if it does, how and where? Maybe post the example video so we can analyze it? Also, please submit a log and the log number. I’d like to send some feedback to someone at Wyze.

The theory here is that the camera is extending the “Object bounding box” 1 or more grid squares away from the road, so if that motion tag overlaps into the detection zone, it will detect the entire object even if most or all of it is outside the detection zone…the bounding box for the object might still be overlapping into the detection zone.

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I don’t know if this is related to @VA2DG’s issue, but at least one Wyze Team member has been active in a different topic where they’re trying to figure out the cause of a Detection Zone issue for Cam OG that seemed to appear after the most recent production firmware update:

The temporary fix that some are using so far is to toggle the Detection Zone setting off and back on again, but how long that effect lasts seems to be highly variable, so it’s not really going to resolve your problem.

In addition to the information @carverofchoice requested, it might be good to note which Cam OG firmware version you’re using when you update this topic. (I’m just kinda guessing, though, because I’m still using firmware 1.0.80 and haven’t yet noticed this issue, so I hope I’m not adding to the complication of solving the problem by suggesting this.)

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Thanks for quick reply,

Ok i have block out the top portion as you specified and will see when next car goes by.


Here is a Vehicle detected at 20h55 before the change you ask. Strange Vehicle

Finally about the log, where do i get that?
I found under my Account, Wyze Support, I have Log History and Submit a log. In log history it spinn for loading then when it stop i have a kind of note pad in middle of picture but nothing else.

I believe he was suggesting that you submit a log to Wyze through the app:

When you do that, the app will show you the log number upon successful submission, and Wyze’s system will also e-mail that number to you with a suggestion to open a ticket. If you follow that advice and create a ticket with Wyze Support, then my understanding is that it gives the engineers more to work with in tracking down a potential problem and your log is more likely to get their attention because it has other meaningful information attached to it. Also, I believe @carverofchoice and other Mavens can contact Wyze employees and do better follow up when they have Log ID and Wyze Ticket numbers.

Regarding the screenshot in your most recent message, is that your current Detection Zone with modifications after @carverofchoice’s previous message? I think he was trying to get you to add exclusion (dark) squares to the top portion of the zone, but in my interpretation it appears that you’ve deleted those entirely (i.e., included them) and that the only thing you’re currently excluding is the 9 squares in the lower-right corner. Is that a correct read? If that’s the case, then it looks like your Detection Zone is currently set to trigger on anything passing by in the street.

Are you trying to say that a stroller isn’t a vehicle? :wink:

Looking at the video footage and back at your original “Actual setup” (pre-zone modification) image, it appears that the green Motion Tagging box at the beginning of your video should be entirely within the exclusion area and thus undetected, though at times this box expands over the curb edge of your yard, so maybe that’s what triggered it? If that’s the case, then I think…

  1. I’d be interested in seeing what happens when you expand the exclusion zone as @carverofchoice suggested.
  2. I’m still curious about which firmware version your Cam OG is using and if it’s related to the issue described in the other topic I mentioned.

Hi Crease
release is 1.0.82 and yes detection Zone have been set to OFF the On previously.

Hi again Crease,

Looking at the video footage and back at your original “Actual setup” (pre-zone modification) image, it appears that the green Motion Tagging box at the beginning of your video should be entirely within the exclusion area and thus undetected, though at times this box expands over the curb edge of your yard, so maybe that’s what triggered it? If that’s the case, then I think…

Your are absolutly right the Green box did touch the curb,
i will blank one more row and see if it improved.
and about FW 1.0.82 for the OG.

I will have to wait until day time to validate the change because at night the reflexion of oncomming cars lights on my own car windows and grass does trigger detection. But at night my Cell is in DND from 22h00 up to 07h00 next morning but the alerts still in the app for review next day.


Thanks for getting back with additional information. :+1:

The most recent image you included looks better to me (in terms of Detection Zone selection). I think @carverofchoice was suggesting excluding (greying-out) the entire top 4 rows, but it will be interesting to see what happens with the way you have it currently set. Hopefully you don’t see much wind where you live and having that tree included won’t be a problem. If it is, then you can exclude the rest of that fourth row later.

Correct. At least for an initial test, just to do a little overkill to ensure the object bounding box overlap isn’t the issue. Then once that baseline is set, it’s possible to scale back a little and go to 3 rows in some places, etc.

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You have to toggle it off and on multiple times per day, the more motion there is in the greyed out area, the more frequently the bug surfaces and you have to toggle it. Modifying the detection zone also accomplishes the same thing but still only temporary, and takes more effort.

I’m considering trying to set a rule to disable and re-enable motion detection for like 1 minute every hour and see if that keeps the bug at bay until a fix comes along. I haven’t tested yet if disabling and re-enabling motion detection temporarily fixes it like toggling detection zone is, will try it tomorrow. In your case, you may just want to tilt the camera down to exclude the street until there is a fix.

In my observations, I’ve never seen a green box from outside the zone cause it to detect that motion. It works the other way around, when motion is detected, it tags it with the green box. If the motion is in the excluded zone, there is no green box.

In fact yes i have lots of wind in my area.
The way i was current set last night. I had a couple hit during night for cars light reflection. But this morning i still had hit even if the green box does not ovelaps the shaded are i see some reflection on my car, so will extend another row down and see.

Here is reflection of the white car that is causing the trigger.

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Yup this is what i am doing now,
It seem the last mask for my car windows had improved, 5 or 6 car went by for the past 25 min and no hit.


I see what you’re talking about with the reflection on your car windows in the video, but I’m not seeing a greet Motion Tagging box appear there, so I’m skeptical that the reflection is triggering the event. The box appears only around the car driving by in the street, so I suspect the camera is detecting motion outside the Detection Zone you set (i.e., in areas you’re trying to exclude), much like the way @dave27 has described extensively in other topics.

For what it’s worth, a Wyze Team member posted to two related topics that they’re working on this—at least I think you’re describing the same issue:

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Thanks @Crease @VA2DG @dave27 @carverofchoice For your inputs here. We are working on this. Sorry for the waiting


All of my doorbell alerts say vehicle, even when there’s not a thing happening! I get them practically every minute!

Hi @VA2DG just to check after you setting up the detection zone as below one.

It still detect the cars on the road right?
Is it possible for me to get a new device log of this OG after you see the mistaken event again? And if you could share that event that will be awesome. Thank you so much!


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