Not able to connect to thermostat or air purifiers

Hello, last night I noticed that when going into the Wyze app and trying to access either my thermostat or air purifiers that the app states the devices are disconnected. My 2 air purifiers are both individuating that they are connected to WiFi. My thermostat is also indicating that it’s connected to WiFi. (No flashing wifi symbol on these devices) I was able to access them earlier in the evening yesterday but I am still unable to access now. Any ideas?

My floodlight pro is also refusing to connect but all my other cameras are fine. I don’t have another floodlight pro to check

I am still getting notifications from my floodlight pro but now when I check the events tab I don’t have any events at all. All of my events from the last 14 days are gone

As of now, it seems to have corrected itself and everything is functioning normally

What you describe happens once in a while. When it does, I suggest trying the following, which always seems to resolve it (unless AWS is down):

  • Clear the app cache (in the app go to the Account Tab → App Settings → Go down to where it says “Cache File Size” and select “Clear” on the right side)
  • Restart your phone.
  • Restart the Wyze device
  • Now try it again with everything pulling fresh and no potential memory leaks, etc.
  • (Worst case scenario, also restart your router and modem)

Honestly, with this particular issue, I’ve found that 99% of the time it’s resolved by just restarting the phone to get everything back to normal. It happened to me within the last couple of days too. I was about to go report the issue as possibly an outage or something when suddenly everything was back to normal before I could do anything.


I appreciate the response! Even though I did not note it in the original post, I did try most of the troubleshooting steps you suggested before posting. Admittedly, I did not reset my router because I have found that to cause issues for the Wyze color bulbs to get back on the network, without manual intervention.

It really felt like some sort of aws thing, but since Im seemingly the only one to experience it during that time I guess it’s not.

I always appreciate you and the Mavens helping me out!


It could also be that you’re the only one who noticed. There have been a few instances like that where there were short server/AWS glitches and only a couple people ever even noticed before everything was back to normal. And some glitches are not global glitches. I’ve had entire AWS outages where TONS of people are reporting that nothing works at all, and for some reason ALL my devices were fully functional the entire time everyone is 100% offline. So it definitely a possibility that it was an AWS glitch. As I said, I experienced something VERY similar earlier this week and everything came back before I could even ask other volunteers to confirm/replicate it before 911-ing some employees. :slight_smile:

Always feel free to report when you experience something weird like that. There was once where I had early warning of an outage before anyone else was even reporting anything I and I held off, thinking it was minor and no big deal, and then it turned into a big deal. After that, I don’t procrastinate anymore. If I get even 1 other user to confirm a potential outage isn’t just me, or if I can confirm an outage someone else brings up, then I send alerts out to Wyze ASAP now. Better to catch such things early so they stay minor and not wide-spread. :slight_smile:


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