No security

I have 3 Wyze cam 3 cameras and they fail to record events that they should while recording events when the trees shadows move or a light comes on.

My wife came home at midnight and drove in the driveway, got out of the car and walked into the house with neither of the 2 cameras she was in view of recording the event.

This morning the city delivered a new garbage container in view of all 3 cameras and not one of them recorded an event

Security you can not rely on is no security at all, and is worse than none in that you think you have security you do not have.

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Since you posted three videos of the garbage man maybe you should state that you did not get any cloud event videos . Do you have event recording turned on in the app.?

I said in my post;
“This morning the city delivered a new garbage container in view of all 3 cameras and not one of them recorded an event”

Yes I have event recordings turned on and the cameras record an event when the shadows on the ground move or a car drives by but the fail to record when someone drives up the driveway and walks into the house in plain view of 2 of the cameras.

I’m confused. The post said the cameras didn’t record the events. Are the videos you posted from different cameras or are they different events than the ones that weren’t recorded?

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I pulled those off the SD card. It records continuously, and I knew they had dropped it off, so went back through the recording until I found it.

  • Do you have cam plus?
  • Do you use detection zones?
  • What’s your Motion Detection Sensitivity level?
  • Under event recording, you have record motion events turned on and set to all motion events, or Smart detection events? (if smart detections, what smart detections are turned on)
  • What firmware are you on?
  • What App version?
  • Was it just that there was no notification? You checked the events tab and verified it wasn’t in the events tab at all during that time, even just plain motion detection?
  • When was the last time before this event that they recorded a motion event, and when was the next time that they recorded a motion event after this occurred?

Keep in mind that even the 2K cams are rated for event detections at roughly 30 feet depending on the size of the object, lighting conditions, etc. They will sometimes/often get detections further away, but the confidence interval is reduced. It is also lower for 1080 cams, and it is also lower during low-light conditions like this.


Yeah, I was going to ask about the distance. My Cam Pan V3s don’t consistently detect motion at anything beyond 15 to 17 feet indoors in well-lit rooms. They don’t see my 20 pound dogs past about 17 feet even with sensitivity set to 100.

But surprisingly, my regular V3s detect motion outdoors even at night at distances of 40+ feet without any issues. And they will see a small coyote (25 to 30 pounds) or a racoon at that distance, and will accurately identify a person that far away too.

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Can you provide the answers to @carverofchoice questions. I have many V3 cameras, V3Pro Cameras, and OG Cameras, all are recording without issue. I get notified of AI Events and it records to the cloud without issues.

I also have an SD Card in them and it also catches the events.

So providing the information would allow the community to assist in resolving your issue.

  • Do you have cam plus? Yes on 2 of the cameras

  • Do you use detection zones? Only on 1 camera but it is outside the border of the events and the camera seems to ignore the zone settings.

  • What’s your Motion Detection Sensitivity level? 47 and as I say it detects shadows on the ground moving when the wind blows the trees.

  • Under event recording, you have record motion events turned on and set to all motion events, or Smart detection events? (if smart detections, what smart detections are turned on) Set to record all motion.

  • What firmware are you on? the latest

  • What App version? 2.47.0 (373)

  • Was it just that there was no notification? You checked the events tab and verified it wasn’t in the events tab at all during that time, even just plain motion detection? Yes nothing in events & set to motion

  • When was the last time before this event that they recorded a motion event, and when was the next time that they recorded a motion event after this occurred? 4 minutes before & 3 minutes after.
    The recording straight out the driveway created an event when the truck drove by on the street but ignored the guy walking up the driveway on all 3 cameras.

I may be wrong but at least on the cams without cam plus, if the cam recorded an event when the truck showed up, then the guy walked up the driveway during the cooldown period after the truck was recorded, it wouldn’t record another event until after the time-out period.

What’s with the blinking blue light in the car in the first video? If that camera does not have CamPlus, that is going to totally hose you because of the cooldown period.

You said that there were no events recorded. Confirm that you don’t have filtering of events set on the Events tab that would prevent these cameras from displaying in the event listing.

That camera has CamPlus. There were events recorded, it just did not record the delivery of the bin on any of the cameras, even though it happened in plain view of the cameras.

This happens quite often. There is a camera with CamPlus mounted on the garage and my wife drove in the driveway passing a camera on the front of the house with CamPlus that did not record the event she pulled right up to the garage within 10 feet of the camera and walked into the house and no cloud event was recorded. Of course, it was recorded on the SD card. All sorts of other events were recorded to the cloud, mostly cars driving by on the street, there is no rhyme or reason to it.

Some initial thoughts…

I have 16 V3 Cams in service around the perimeter of my home in constant 24\7 security service (along with 12 additional cams if other models). I would rate mine as nearly perfect at AI recognition and tagging.

Since my cams overlap FOV, I can see if one cam misses an AI Event. It is very rare.

I have all my V3 Cams set to sensitivity 75 or higher. All of them record 24\7 continuous to the SD Card, all upload all Motion Events. All are subscribed to Cam Plus. I have notifications set for only the AI Events.

I do sometimes get false AI Detections from spiderwebs and sunbeams, but it is quite rare. Certainly not enough to turn down sensitivity. When I do get a lot of false positives AI Event tags, I find that it isn’t because of the object moving, but something else in the FOV, usually an object that isn’t moving, that is falsely being tagged.

I try to use Detection Zones as little as possible, but keep them blocking only high traffic areas.

All my cams have an FOV that is level with the FOV, not canted to the side that makes objects look sideways in the FOV. One of your cams has a very poor FOV for AI detection.

Only one of your cams, the one with the sideways view of the porch, showed any Green Box Motion Tracking. The last clip did show that there was a motion track at the begining when the lights were flashing, but there was no motion tracking across the FOV as he walked. Your sensitivity is far too low for that distance. The cam wasn’t even activating.

Which of those 3 cams does not have Cam Plus?

Do you have notifications on for all 3 cams for all events?

Do you have any filters set within your Events Page?

“I have all my V3 Cams set to sensitivity 75 or higher.” I have a tree in front of the street light out front and I set the sensitivity higher, I get false events every minute from the shadow of the tree moving. I also get false event recordings from the car lights on the wall of the house. If I turn off motion and only have AI events, I get no recordings.

“I try to use Detection Zones as little as possible, but keep them blocking only high traffic areas.” I tried to use detection zone to block the vehicles on the street on the driveway camera but it still records an event and sends a notice, so I just turned it off.

“All my cams have an FOV that is level with the FOV,” The porch cam is not level, but it is not possible for it to be level in that location, and it records events but like the ones that are level still misses obvious events.

“Only one of your cams, the one with the sideways view of the porch, showed any Green Box Motion Tracking” Yes, but it did not record the event to the cloud.

“Which of those 3 cams does not have Cam Plus?” the living room cam of the street. It is just there so if something in the other 2 cameras moves out of frame, I can look at the SD card recording.

“Do you have notifications on for all 3 cams for all events?” yes

“Do you have any filters set within your Events Page?” no

I find the AI is good at detecting things that move across the FOV, but useless at things moving straight at the camera.

I have had other security camera systems, both residential and commercial, and I find these cameras are just too inconsistent to be relied on. The web view is useless because if you hear a noise and go to the page 9 time out of 10 you need to refresh and log in again and if you have an intruder that is not something you can put up with. Even the phone takes forever sometimes to load up. You need a full time instant monitor that is always there if you want real security.

The focus of this company is not security.

Don’t turn off Motion Recording. Leave “Record Motion Events” On. Leave “All Motion Events” On rather than “Smart Detection Events”.

In your Notification settings, turn off “Other Motion Events” and turn on your AI events.

In your Events Tab, filter out “Triggered by Motion” and select all your important AI Tags so you aren’t sifting thru a ton of Events.

If a green Motion Tracking box appears on the video, and if you have “All Motion Events” selected, it will upload. If it didn’t, you may be dealing with intermittent WiFi connectivity issues on your network that are limiting the cam’s uploads.

Which is exactly why it didn’t upload after the initial motion track. It was placed in the 5m cooldown after the initial event from the lights at the vehicle and wouldn’t have uploaded anything after that motion event. The cam needs Cam Plus.

I use my cams exclusively for security and will put them up head to head against any cams out there and come up an even match or better. The number one problem created with these cams is because users believe they are plug it in, point and shoot, universal capability cam in any situation. They are not. They, like any other cam on the market, are only as good as the user sets them up to be. The most important factor, above and beyond anything else, is the FOV. Cam placement is more than half the battle. A poorly placed cam will always give you poor performance.

Next, the cams must be individually tuned for their unique FOV. That’s why there are settings for each cam. They can’t all work the same way with the same settings.

Your cams have a deep FOV with the expectation to capture relatively small objects in the distance. Yet you are limiting their capability to motion activate on relatively small distant objects by restricting their Sensitivity to nearly half their potential capability. This is a user setting, not a Cam characteristic. Until that is changed, you aren’t going to get improved motion detection from the cams.

I will try your settings.

“Your cams have a deep FOV with the expectation to capture relatively small objects in the distance.” I do not expect to record past 20 or 30 feet. The driveway camera seems to record events on the road and miss events walking up the driveway.

I am aware of the fact that without cam plus the living room camera has a time limit. I don’t care about that camera, I just use it to look out the front window from the back office.

Yet each of the videos you posted were beyond that limit and yet you expect there to be Event Video Uploads?

“Yet each of the videos you posted were beyond that limit and yet you expect there to be Event Video Uploads?”

The delivery from the front porch cam is less than 20 feet.

How did you measure the distances?

OK I get it, you are happy with your cameras, but just because they work well for you does not mean they work for everyone.

Get off your high horse.

The cams would work for you as well if set up and properly tuned to provide the security you seek. But rather than doing that, you instead post that they provide “No Security” as your Topic thread indicates when it is the cam settings causing the issue. What you are experiencing is not a failure of the cam but a failure to employ them efficiently.

I have viewed and inspected many hundred posted videos and can tell by the height of the individual in each frame as well as the size of the other objects in the frame the approximate distance from the cam. It isn’t a very difficult concept.

Ya, I get it, the reason they don’t work for me is because I am not as smart as you are.

You say they are not level enough but they record other events then miss one, they are under 2 street lights, but there is not enough light, the event happened too far away, but they record events well beyond that distance on a regular basis.

As I said, I get it you are happy with the cameras and the reason I am not is because I am not as smart as you.