No Motion Detection on V2


The “Mode” =▶ Power Off is now working.
Offline with cloud static screen disapoeared.

However, detection is weird.

12 seconds Events page still not displaying occurrance
I waved in front cam , no events . but if I go to PlayBack . wait a few minutes. the blue segment event appears and can be played. I have SD card.
Just the Events was not notified nor exhibited in Event page

Live stream Volume is still low.

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Is it possible you are filtering events? Touch the funnel next to the pencil on the Events tab. Press “Clear All” if available. Press “Show Results”.


I tried what you described and went out to wave at my camera.

Yes, it works.


hopefully, this is a permanent fix until next time…:zipper_mouth_face::zipper_mouth_face::zipper_mouth_face:

so only one anormaly for me left is the sound volume. hooefully next app uodate will address it.


Guess what, I decided to test the camera again just now.

The 12 sec event does not shown again. on event page.

so there is a time liMit after clear?

Check to make sure the filter is still cleared, but the way it should work is within 15 seconds or so it should show up after movement is detected.

If you already have the app running, you have to “Pull down to refresh” the Event list to see the latest adds. The clip should not disappear for 14 days unless you manually delete it.


Cleared again. Still does not work again.
No detection. no 12 second clip on event page
I suspect the problem is Wyze changed their detection protocol.
My V2 is legacy detection.

hopefully, it eill be fixed.

I went through the Wyze App

  1. The CAMPlus spam popup everywhere.

  2. since I do not have CAMplus, but have legacy detection. It kept indicating I should turn On detection

  3. my Event detection is ON for Motion.

I conclude Wyze has played wuth their CAMPlus in their server side.

Goid way push out Old V2 users

It is concerning that it tells you detection is off.

For a quick test, your V2 Legacy Person Detection settings should be:

  • Account tab > Person Detection (Legacy) > – Make sure the cam has Person Detection (Pilot) turned on for the camera you are testing. (Note: It lists V3s here but legacy person detection does not apply to V3s)

Then set the following V2 camera settings:

  • Detection Settings > Motion Sensitivity – let’s use 50%
  • Detection Settings > Detection Zone – Let’s use ‘off’
  • Event Recording > Detects Motion – ON
  • Event Recording > Schedule – Let’s use ALL DAY
  • Notifications > Notifications – ON
  • Notifications > Wyze AI Events – ON
  • Notifications > All Other Motion Events – ON

I just tested a V2 with legacy person detection and got 100% recognitions.

Remember with legacy person detection you still have the 5-minute cooldown cycle . So wait 6 minutes between attempts. Also, if you are continuously running the app you will need to “pull down to refresh” the Events tab list to see the new detections.

What firmware are you running on the V2 (camera settings > Device Info)?


I appreciate your help and patience very much.
thank you.

I went through your list

Account tab > Person Detection (Legacy) > – Make sure the cam has Person Detection (Pilot) turned on for the camera you are testing. (Note: It lists V3s here but legacy person detection does not apply to V3s)

==Yes, it is on

Then set the following V2 camera settings:

Detection Settings > Motion Sensitivity – let’s use 50%.

==set at 50%
Detection Settings > Detection Zone – Let’s use ‘off’
== It was set to ON and I turned it off as suggested
Event Recording > Detects Motion – ON
==Yes, it is ON
Event Recording > Schedule – Let’s use ALL DAY
==yes, it is All day
Notifications > Notifications – ON
==yes, it is on
Notifications > Wyze AI Events – ON
==it is on
Notifications > All Other Motion Events – ON
== it is on

went out test V2 again.
No events notifications. I am lost.

my firmware alwats fail to uodate
Wyze tried to push update several times. no success.

Not sure if Iwill brick this V2 if I try manual. I just not updating. firmware given my experience with Wyze updates.

Does the V2 show as offline on the Home tab?

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It is ON.

I can stream live.

my playbackin sd card does have event

Is it in a difficult position? Can you bring it closer to the router to try and update and test it?

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yes, it up outside wall.

router is15 ft away.

it is a good ASUS RT-AC86U router

never have a problem.

Why are you still using filters? Unless you are specifically trying to solve a problem, you should never use filters. There have been bugs there before. Clear All/Show Results until you at least solve this issue. It is possible your setting “Cam Plus” person detection may be limiting you from seeing legacy person detection. So just clear all for now (and keep it that way unless you are trying to solve a problem, like too may alerts from another camera).


Cleared all filter.

closed app

restart app

stand and wave to V2

no detection.

You should try power cycling it, but beyond that you may want to call Support next week. Legacy Person Detection is working on my test unit:

Customer Support

There are many ways to contact Wyze. Their phone number is (206) 339-9646, or you can chat with an agent or create a ticket on the support site.

They’re open for support between 4 am-8 pm PT Monday through Friday, and 8 am-4 pm PT Saturday.
[note due to typhoon Rai recovery, hours will be 6 AM - 6 PM PT for the next 5 days at least]

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what firmware do U have in your test V2?

Wyze released a firmware .798 but not available to user.
mine will say .501 as latest.

I tested using firmware The current is You may have to update to an interim version before you can get to the current version.


According to Wyze notes on 798
it will fix a bug -no event
Wyze changed tger server side?

if .746 is current, the no event will still exist.
Do you know when is .798 be released.

There 70% chance my v2 will be bricked from Wyze firmware update. given reported experiences.