No EVENTS posted by Wyze since 8:02pm last night, Jan 4, 2025,

My last Event posted by Wyze is 8:02pm, January 4, 2025, almost 12 hours ago.

Is there a problem with the Wyze servers?

Many cars and people have passed by my house over the past 12 hours but none of them have been captured as Events. I just walked in front of my OG camera and no Event.

I live near San Francisco CA .

Have you tried power cycling your modem, WiFi router/access point, cameras and your device with the Wyze App?

I am on the west coast too and getting Cloud Event recordings as I normally do.

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Don’t think the problem is on my end.
My camera is working correctly, and I can see my live camera.
I have been looking at my Live camera several times over the past 12 hours.
I can view the entire night on my SD Card, just no Events are posted.

I did just reboot the camera, but still no new Events.

If you also power cycled your modem and WiFi router, then I would make sure your cameras are still assigned to your Wyze Cam Plus or Lite.

In the App, go to Account - Services - Manage Cameras and make sure all boxes are still Checked.

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Do you by chance have it set to record smart detections only or all motion?

If smart detections, it could be that the AI detections stopped working so you don’t see anything now since it’s only detecting motion and not using the AI.

I recently had 1 camera model stop recognizing AI detections. I cleared my cache, went to settings and pressed the reset services button, toggled the detection settings again and restarted the camera and that resolved everything. I suggest you try the same, especially the reset services button and then reviewing settings again (because pressing reset services can sometimes change your previous settings).

Especially if it’s on Wyze’s end, the reset services button forces the Wyze server to make a fresh connection.

What camera model is it?

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Thanks to both of you for replying.

I got the Events to start working again, sorta.

I think I screwed up the Detection Zone last night, which probably caused the missing Events.

But I can’t confirm anything right now because my camera/app is screwed up and I can’t get connected.

I’ll post back after I get it figured out.


My bad.
The Events are working again.

Yesterday I was messing with the Detection Zone and inadvertently reversed the Detection Zone blocks so everything, except 7 blocks in the upper left hand corner, were blocked.

I thought I was Masking (unfortunately not a Wyze feature) the upper left hand 7 blocks.
I was trying to Mask those 7 squares because a neighbor’s porch lights are super bright and when tree/bush branches sway in the wind they cause bogus Events all night.

Thanks for your replies. They helped me learn more about the app’s features.


Thanks for your follow-up.

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Yes, thanks for the explanation. That is helpful and appreciated.

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@StevenA - This feature no longer works in the app, at least not on Android. A message has been posted for the last year plus about a new service coming soon. Can only verify cameras on Wyze web online. This has been a sore issue for me since it wss removed.

I am using App version 2.50 on Android and IOS. Hopefully others on App version can chime in about Manage Cameras within the App and seeing if cameras are assigned to a Wyze service.

AFAIK, it still works, but only for Cam Plus Lite and Cam Plus. If you are subscribed to Cam Unlimited, then you don’t get to choose as Wyze just forces all cameras to be under that plan.

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Another big screw up by Wyze. I am subscribed to cam+ unlimited and it has made my subscription to cam protect useless. I am in a vicious cycle of trying to keep a camera assigned to that service. Each time i assign a camera, literally within a few minutes, that camera is assigned back to cam+ unlimited even though I receive a confirmation message the camera is being switched to the cam protect service. Now let’s see what it will take to get a refund of my paid annual subscription.

I’m so sorry this is happening to you.

Having said that, this is some AWESOME fuel for my crusade against them locking up all the cams on Cam Unlimited and not letting us manually remove them. I’ve been fighting this since it first happened.

Let me tag @WyzeMatt to show another example of why having Cam Unlimited lock up all cameras on it is causing more problems in addition to the other list of rationales I’ve passed on to Wyze about why it’s a bad idea to have Cam Unlimited keep doing this. Matt, here’s a real life example of someone who wanted to use Cam Protect, and isn’t being allowed to use it. So Wyze took his money, but won’t provide the service because of this new policy you know I don’t like. :slight_smile: This is obviously not acceptable and here is a real life example of it happening like I gave examples of in the past.

I again reiterate how this should change:

  1. It’s acceptable if Cam Unlimited forces all cameras onto it when a person first subscribes to it
  2. It’s acceptable if Cam Unlimited forces cameras onto it when they are first setup
  3. After that, Cam Unlimited should allow a user to manually REMOVE a camera from Cam Unlimited

There are LOTS of reasons why a user might not want a camera locked on Cam Unlimited. @fmills1d has pointed out just one problem with the current policy of locking all cameras on the Unlimited plan and not allowing individual cams to be removed (and put on the other service he pays for).

In my opinion, if Wyze won’t ALLOW you to use Cam Protect while you have Cam Unlimited, they should issue some kind of refund or other kind of compensation back to the date the conflict started (either when you added Unlimited or when you added Protect).

@fmills1d please submit a support ticket about this and let me know if you get taken care of properly with a refund or other reasonable solution that gets you your money back (eg: maybe you agree to let them extend your Cam Unlimited to make up for the cost difference or something). If this doesn’t get resolved or is not satisfactory for some reason, please make sure to tag me and post your support ticket number. I will ABSOLUTELY make sure your issue gets escalated up the chain because this a pet crusade I’m on. :joy:


Hey @WyzeMatt I also support @carverofchoice crusade as you are well aware from many of my previous posts.


I see this and agree this is poor taste on our part.

Let me see what I can do.


I appreciate you so much, always being willing to engage and consider information. I know you don’t get to make all the decisions by yourself, but you’re an awesome guy Matt and one of my favorite employees ever. You are an absolute positive asset for Wyze and we appreciate you in the forum. :slight_smile: Thanks for putting up with me sometimes :sweat_smile:


Thanks @carverofchoice - I did a ticket a couple weeks ago but did not follow-up with a call to support. I’ll do a new log tomorrow with follow-up call to support and will post the log id.

I appreciate your active engagement with the issues posted in the Forum across all conversation topics. We are fortunate to have you championing the causes.


Camplus is unpredictable and also reduces the performance of access and data from your cameras to your phone. I have about 50 cameras, most with 256 GB cards. Using CamLite, I had no problem accessing cameras or cards. A week or so ago I bought the annual CamPlus and it is total crap. I have unstable connections, slow speeds, and cameras dropping off for no reason. I have a high end mesh network and GB fiber.

The geniuses at Wyze have made it impossible to just rollback to CamLite - probably so you can’t diagnose that it’s their CamPlus causing the problems. OIf I didn’t have $2500 or so in hardware and cards deployed I’d dump Wyze. Their phone and chat support is worthless. If you aren’t too deep into Wyze, dump it.

I was in a similar situation after upgrading to Unlimited from Lite. The problem is that there is no 5 minute cooldown anymore and you have additional smart events, not only Person. So all that chatter with Wyze servers especially with 50 cameras will choke the app.

What worked for me was adjusting the sensitivity and detection zones until I hit the sweet spot.