New Air Purifier App Symbol?

Just noticed a new symbol for my Air Purifier home page on the App. It’s on the inside of the AQI ring. What does it mean?


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Filter life remaining is approaching the “low” state:


Well, I’ve never seen this amber inner circle thing before nor is it on the display on my air purifier.

I’ve only had this thing running a few months and so it’s telling me it’s almost time to replace the filter? It’s always been on the lowest fan speed and my AQI has mostly been below 10, so it seems like the filter could have gone at least the full 6 months, probably longer.

I never saw it either until my filter life remaining hit 20-25%. It’s not a function of the physical air purifier or display.

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There is no way my filter life should be almost over. The AQI on the purifier has rarely been over 10 most of the time it’s been under 5. Clearly then Wyze needs to come up with a better way to determine filter life.

Wyze app Home > your Air Purifier > Settings > Filter Management > Filter Type

What’s yours read?

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I got the allergen and wild fire filter. But honestly I’m not that impressed with the purifier because the app does not work as Wzye advertised it. Wyze shows a picture of the graph page on the app where it shows a dot, which indicates an AQI, every hour which does not happen and never happened. It’s false advertising. Plus I don’t like that we can only buy the filters from them.

It says 20%, but it’s impossible that it’s dirty already. Wyze bases this on time and not air flow (and fan speed setting). So I could literally disconnect the fan motor and after the set time has passed the app would say the filter needs replacing.

Sounds like your air purifier is working very well. If your home normally has that AOI value, why would you be running a purifier?

If you think the filter life value is bogus, just run through the filter reset procedure to set it back to 100% filter life remaining and see what happens to your indoor AQI over the next 3-4 months. I ran this test and was surprised.

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Well, I didn’t know the air quality in my home was this low prior to getting this product. But like the idea of keeping it running because I have a pet.

Resetting it removed the amber inner ring thing. Thanks!

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Since the product is still newer, there arent many if any after market filters. Others will start making them as soon as they find it can make them money. Though they may not be as high quality and im not sure i would trust that for my air…


Xiaomi sells replacement filters that supposedly fit, but they’re usually sold out. Global supply and shipping issues.


The AQI graph thing is a fix it friday bug, and they are working on fixing it.

For filter life, its pretty standard. They just go bad. If you clean them out with a vacuum, you can extend the life but its never gunna be as good as a new one.

This is verifiably not the way it works. I started 3 filters on the same day. If the above stated process was correct then all 3 would still be at the exact same life/percentage and they are not. One just barely hit 0%, another at 45% and another at 77%. Again, they were all started at the same time and have all been “ON” the whole time. If it was solely based on TIME, then they’d all have the same percentage. Since they do not all have the same percentage, but have all been active the same amount of time, then obviously the filter life HAS TO involve another factor like the AQI levels or fan speed settings, etc. It is verifiably not based on time alone.


Yup, exactly as it should. If your air quality is lower, the filter will not last as long. if you run it more often, the filter will not last as long.

Most cheaper air purifiers do just use a timer, im glad wyze didnt go with that approach.

Not quite exactly a bug, they did say it is working the way it was intended y to work, but they did show s photo of it working a different way and many want that feature so they are doing it and are hoping for a release in a month or so if everything goes well.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Fix-It Friday 8/5/22

I am not confident of everything it considers, I just know that it is definitely not solely based on time or mine would have all hit 0% at the same time and had the same percentage the entire time. Since that is not the case, then there are definitely other things involved.

Honestly, I am a little surprised so many people are talking about the filter lifespan. Vaccums rarely have a filter life timer, most furnaces don’t have some kind of smart filter algorithm, my swimming pool pump doesn’t have any smart timer. For almost every other filter in the world, people either swap them out when they get too dirty/used (totally subjective) or they swap them out after so much time. We can just do the same thing here. If a person has generally good AQI and they think their filter is still good, then they can leave it in there longer if they want, just like you can do for your vacuums or for your furnace or whatever else you are supposed replace filters for occasionally. The “how long the filters last” is not really any different than deciding how long to keep a furnace filter. You can replace it on time, you can replace it more often or less often and decide on your own when it’s too used or dirty. Wyze is simply giving their recommendation for best use (as does every device or appliance that uses a filter), not their requirement. I like the filter estimator to give me an idea of how much that air purifier is doing stuff and reminding me to maybe go vacuum the filter out to remove the big particles and use it for just a little longer. I’ll probably vacuum mine out when they hit 0% then reset the timer and replace them after the second or third time hitting 0%…but that’s just what I’m thinking for myself. I accept it may not function at 100% by doing that, but it will still function at a level I am happy with, removing a lot more than if I didn’t have one.

If anyone is concerned, I’d say to just consider treating it similar to how you would treat your furnace filter and how you decide to replace that. If you do it based on time, then great, do this based on time. If you do it based on when it’s dirty, then great, do that with this one. The smart notice is just a tool, not an absolute. That’s how I view it. I am not panicking that my kitchen filter shows 0%…I’m going to vacuum out that filter soon, put it back in the air purifier and reset the filter life and let it run again for a while. :man_shrugging: I’ll replace it later this year or next year.

I’m assuming some of what the air purifier pulled in was water particles (steam, humidifier, etc) and not all dirty stuff, so I think it’s still got a good amount of life left (any particulates in the air count toward AQI, including water particles from steam, humidifiers, shower steam, whatever)…the laser only looks for particles, it can’t identify what KIND of particles it detects.

Your furnace filters do not “expire” after 90 days, nor does an air purifier filter expire after 6 months. It depends on use. If you replace your furnace filter every 90 days with no regard to actual life remaining, the answer is… your air purifier filter should be replaced at least every 6 months. I’d rather determine if the filter needs replacing earlier or later than a blanket time spec. There exceptions to the time rule… it depends on filter type. Activated carbon filters, etc.


And Wyze recommends changing every 6 months. Part of that value is based on the effectivity of activated carbon over time. Will your filter last longer than 6 months? Yes! But how effective will it be? I’m running a few long term tests and the results so far don’t look good with respect to ability to filter gas and micro-particles. For example, I have one unit running a filter that has been recycled 3 times. The 1st cycle consistently filtered AQI to an average of 5-20. The 2nd 20-50. This 3rd cycle won’t filter AQI below 100. Also running a “can it be cleaned/rinsed” test (although that won’t help with gas filtering as the carbon is wasted).