Need Camera moved from Single Plan to Cam Plus Unlimited

I signed up for the free cam plus trial then upgraded to cam plus unlimited. Now one of my cameras is stuck on the single plan until it expires, but I want it moved over to unlimited for the extra benefits. Here is my log number:

First of all, there is no extra benefit for a single camera between a single camera CamPlus and CamPlus unlimited. In other words, for that one camera, there are no added features by switching it to CamPlus Unlimited. What you get (and you know this part) is the ability to put lots of cameras onto CamPlus for just the one cost (break even point is about 5 cameras - depending on any deals when you got it).
Second, is even if you move the one camera off it’s single CamPlus subscription and cancel that subscription, you will not get a pro-rated refund.
So just let that one camera stay on it’s single subscription until it expires and then add it to the CamPlus Unlimited. I THINK you can remove the one camera from it’s single subscription, but I’ve never tried as I have never taken the trial since I got CamPlus Unlimited as soon as it became available. All of my almost 50 active cameras are on my CamPlus.

This is a user forum, not the official Wyze support. You need to contact Wyze Support if your looking for help with this, just like the log information states.

Even though this isn’t the official Support, there are many knowledgeable fellow users here that that can chime in with their thoughts, like above this! :slight_smile:


Just trying to get the Friendly Faces to act right on that camera by moving it over to the new unlimited one. If I made a mistake by posting this here, sorry.

Like mentioned above most of us are Wyze Users like yourself, but let’s see if @WyzeMatt can help with your subscription issue.

Can’t you switch the 2 cameras so the camera with the Plus is where you need “Friendly Faces”?

There are some special features now.

One of the main extra benefits is Friendly Faces. You also get to do some extra stuff in the monitoring tab that regular Cam Plus doesn’t include. Wyze’s public comparison chart also suggests that there may be more things coming too, including Critical Alerts, Services sharing. They have sometimes limited some other things to Unlimited too, such as the new AI Search feature (pilot testing that won’t be for Unlimited permanently) that was only allowed to test with cameras using Unlimited.

To OP:

What probably needs to happen is to cancel the single license early.

Support might need to do that, because if you do it, it will just leave the subscription running until the expiration date anyway.

Another option is to delete the camera off the app, then set it up again, and in theory it should get added to unlimited. That’s probably what I would do in your situation.

But I agree, this is something @WyzeMatt should be aware of…Upgrading to Unlimited should be a little more smooth. If someone has a free trial and upgrades to unlimited, it should remove the trial so it doesn’t interfere with the upgrade benefits.


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