Mesh router occasional orange blinking light

I tried searching for this topic (so what do I know) :cry: So forgive me, for this repeat topic post.

I have the 1st addition Wyz Mesh Router. Every few days, it goes blinking Orange, on me.
So @ 1st. I thought it was my main ISP, (I unplugged the ISP & then plugged it in again) .

Over the last few months my ISP router is now fine n my mesh router is going “Orange Blinking Crush” on me. Yesterday it went down 3x . I went away last wknd praying, that it would not.

Prior to yesterday, it was once or twice a week. It’s been up and running for 20 months (01/03/23).
For those sticklers, I buy wyze items early, then hymm & haw over installing them. ( that’s My back story)

All the updates are in. I don’t wanna set all it’s connected devices, up all over again.

How do I get a more consistent performance.
There’s No way us this thing going bad ?

Any & all Help, is appreciated !
Have a safe & happy (American) Holiday to all, too !

Blinking orange has two meanings (so power loss?):

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Last night according to this guide.
It lost, it’s connection (solid orange) with the ISP 2x,

The ISP router is 2 ft. away and hasn’t lost or rebooted in months ?
What could the cause be ?


Most likely something going on with your ISP…dns issues? What are your settings for DNS servers? When your Wyze routers are flaky, do all your other devices work properly? Is your ISP router/modem your main wifi connection? Is your Wyze router connected via ethernet?

Many, many possible sources of problems.

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My wyze router is connected to my ISP Modem/ router (via Ethernet). I also connected my wyze outdoor battery cam via Ethernet (org v1), to my mesh router. My other Internet router is connected to my ISP’s Wireless router. My wyze hub is also connected to the second router.
(This set-up is a bit wonky, for sure. In order to ensure home security coverage, if the mesh router goes down ?)

Mostly they all go down all at once.
Yet the the ISP router seems to work fine .

The back story is, this setup has been running for 17-18 months without many failures (4 or 5), prior to this 3 month span, of issues

I will have to find the passwords , in order to connect to my ISP’s router during the next "Wyze mesh to ISP Router, outage.

Thx, for shedding new light on what might be wrong. I hope my jumble, of an explanation, wasn’t too bad.

Btw - I have not done any manual DNS settings in years.
Just Google (?) DNS, well before wyze was making/ offering routers or this current setup.

I am more of a, “Set it and Forget it guy” .

Thx again !

So with all that gear, which system is your primary source for WiFi? The Wyze routers want to take over your network…dns, dhcp, etc. How do your other devices fit in with all this?

I think I out smarted myself.

Ethernet connected -

  1. Mesh & 2nd router is with the ISP.
  2. Battery Cam is on the mesh router
  3. Home monitoring & aux ethernet, is with the 2nd router

Wifi -
Mostly split btwn wyze mesh & 2nd router.
(Lights, switches, cams & other devices)
No isp wifi connections

My wifi is probably more complicated than yours. I have a main network, an IoT network (with a local ISP), and a guest network (on T-Mobile home internet). I’m using a wired Ubiquiti router as the primary router with various subnets. The Wyze mesh routers are configured in bridge mode. T-Mobile provides IP addresses for the guest network and all internet connectivity (long story). The Ubiquiti provides all IP addresses and DNS for my main and IoT networks. I think you may be having problems by having more than one primary wifi router.

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Ok, thx !

I will have to look into making Primary vs secondary. I wanted separate responsibilities, in case, of any problems? It seems like the blinking corrects itself, a bit faster these days.