Just purchased 4 cameras and they do not live stream when outside of our home network. Have been on technical support calls for a couple hours. Seems like a known issue, but would like to see a more current status on this and timeline for fixing it,
Welcome to the forum.
Did you enable the WYZE app to use Cell Data?
Do you have Xfinity with an XB7? There are scores of post about that issue on these forums.
Long read but just go to the last few post.
500 + post here. Many folks just got an XB8 to fix the issue.
This is the last official update I recall seeing:
The last update on the Software and Firmware Bugs and Known Issues page was 3 months ago, and it was being tracked at that time.
I agree with @Antonius that it’s probably worth some time using the Forum’s search feature to find relevant topics and read about what other users have suggested.
Welcome to the Forum, @jacqueline510!
Thank you - just found the thread - looking into upgrading to XB8 modem.
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