Products like…sharks with frickin’ laser beams‽
@Bam Found your long lost brother
Okay, so that’s who it is. I knew I’d read it at least a few other places here, and I was thinking it was something you were ribbing @cyberdog_17 about, but my memory’s clearly imperfect.
Ooh! OOH! Sharks with frickin’ laser beams attached to their heads and slow-transition Wyze Light Strip Pros attached to their tails! YES!
The sharks might be a little non-feasible. It’s a really really big tank… I’ve talked to a few people and I even think I brought this up to yun lol
I’m currently in the market for another security animal with a laser beam attached to its head that Wyze could knock out of the park! ;).
I’m kind of leaning toward capybara’s right now, just because most people think they’re cute so they would be unsuspecting lol
Now that would be perfect for Mardi gras!
Very festive!!!
Pretty sure they can get a gig in Vegas too
Effect that slowly cycles through colors
All of the effects are very fast moving and especially when paired with bulbs they move through the colors much too fast… I just want a slow chill color-cycling effect to leave on in the background and set a nice chill vibe. I was honestly surprised this wasn’t available when I purchased these so long ago, and with the latest update offering effects “outside of music mode” I was hoping to see something along these lines.
If the bulb can slowly cycle through the colors when I use my finger on the color wheel, then the ability is there just waiting to be unlocked by the software/firmware.
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any updates to the functionality of the light strip pro in the past 3 years?
looks like better to look elsewhere…
any suggesti9ns for an alternate product to the strip pro with more functionality at a reasonabke price. eg. slower softer transitions/cycling, etc.
these would have been great 40 years ago in university residence…
not so much now …