I’m a self-centered boomer

It’s like Howard Stern and his appendage. Lower expectations, easier to exceed them! :wink:

Not a fan of Howard Stern so not sure what you mean.

@carverofchoice will explain. He’s under 50, I think. :smiling_face:

Under 50! :open_mouth:

Some say it’s not just his pants that are stretchy! :rofl:

I think we high jacked this thread. Senile old men! :rofl:

Maybe the mods can collapse it to one from where it got errant. This is going on your permanent record, canuck! :canada:

Guilty as charged!

Out of all the people that are WYZE employees there has to be at least one person that has the issue of no playback of the SD from the events page or the grayed out playback button that they can donate for an autopsy ? :xray:
Maybe they all just said screw it and got the V4?

I didn’t really want to be “that guy”, but I actually wondered about flagging it to see if a Moderator would split it into another topic where it went off the rails, because I imagine other Forum members subscribed to this topic may not be interested in this detour. Since we’re already well off-road with this one, though, I have to wonder about…

It kinda seems like @Antonius is suggesting the nefarious demise of a Wyze employee, and that’s gotta be some kinda violation of the Community Guidelines, right? :wink:

If a Moderator does move a bunch of these posts to a new topic, then I’ll happily follow it over there. Hopefully that’d seem less spammy to others.

Boomers Gone Wild!

Hosted by @Antonius (cuz he’s the oldest.) :wave:

Nope only - 72 years, 166 days and 13 hours old.

Stop squirming. You’re it. :grin:

Title is fungible.

@habib? @ssummerlin ?

Whosoever wants it should step up like a distinguished elderly MAN. I can’t, because only 49, undistinguished and over-topic-ed. :slight_smile:

I take one step back.

Same here as I think I am the youngest.

:cat2: :chicken:

Admiral? :raccoon:

BTW, we are community policing ourselves, awesome. :cowboy_hat_face: ‘We don’t need no stinkin’… ’

I say we adjourn to the Watercooler before we all get canned. Where is a Mod when you need one? :crazy_face:

If no one wants to host it, they should just prune it. It’ll be cathartic. :relieved:

Full demerit for @habib, though, so he doesn’t do it again… :slight_smile:

Thanks, @Seapup!


There’s a distinct ‘old person smell’ in here. :nose: :disguised_face:

And of course, against my express wishes, @Seapup hangs it on me. :wink:

Nicely pruned, btw. Made me laugh to see it in the list…