I don't get notifications anymore

I have one v3 camera. I no longer get notifications to my phone. How do I revert to an older app version and prevent auto updates? This is super frustrating.

I have reset everything, reinstalled app. Messed with all the settings.

There are numerous posts on how to revert.

Search for APK.

Welcome to the Forum, @Bigchungus! :wave:

I don’t know what “Bigchungus” is about, but I laughed anyway!

As @ssummerlin said, there are numerous posts in the Forum about reverting to previous Wyze app versions by using a site like APKMirror or APKPure, but if the loss of notifications is a new experience for you, then that might be worth investigating and may save the hassle of replacing the app with an older version that’s likely to become unsupported at some point.

You mentioned that you “have reset everything” and “[m]essed with all the settings”, but does that include things like what are mentioned in these posts?

Providing more details such as exact troubleshooting steps you’ve taken, what Wyze app you’re using, what OS and phone model you’re using (Android has many variants), etc., will assist other community members in providing better help for you.

Back to your original questions, though:

As stated, older app versions can (with relative safety) be obtained from the unofficial distribution sources mentioned above. As far as preventing automatic updates to the Wyze app is concerned, this is how I’d get there:

  1. Long-press the Wyze app icon in the launcher (your phone’s home screen or list of apps).
  2. Tap App info in the pop-up menu.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the App info screen (i.e., swipe up from bottom) and tap App details.
  4. On the Wyze app’s screen in Google Play Store, tap the ⋮ menu in the upper-right corner.
  5. Un-check Enable auto update.

After that, Google Play Store should request confirmation whenever a Wyze app update is available.

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I have noticed that the notification bell in the top right corner is slashed (as in no notifications) for a split second when I open the app then the slash goes away. I assume this is the problem.

Update: I now get notifications as long as the app is open and running in the background, I used to get notifications after closing the app. This is still frustrating.

Did you read the topics I linked above? This post from one of them might help:

What happens when you try that? That setting is in the Wyze app from the Home screen :bust_in_silhouette: Account âžś App Settings âžś Running in the background.

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