You can’t do it. What doorbells are you using? Wyze v1, v2, pro or duo? Except for pro which is primarily a battery doorbell, you should have at least a 16v transformer for successful operation. What are your plans for a chime? Start by exchanging out the transformer, unfortunately, 12v was not a better choice. I have had all except the pro installed with 2 duos as my current and use a 24v/40vac transformer.
Unfortunately, the v1 is 1 db/1 chime. Have you tried eBay or Amazon? May have some luck there. Too bad you bought obsolete product when you probably could have gotten the v2 for a good price and used your old house chime.
At some point, the Wi-Fi Chime that was introduced with Duo Cam Doorbell is expected to be available as a separate product, and, since it reportedly has the ability to work with any Wyze doorbell or camera model, that might be a future option for you. I wish I had an ETA on that, because it seems like it’s been a long time coming, and they were saying months ago that this might happen by December:
Unfortunately, that doesn’t really help you now, and the original Wyze Video Doorbell doesn’t support the “Cameras as Chime” feature (in case you happened to have other compatible camera models).