How to ensure you get smoke/CO detection events/notifications

I tagged this as “OG” as I have to pick one and that’s the one I’ve tested this on. Should apply to all/most cams though.

I was very confused about how to ensure I’d get alerts for an alarm going off, but NOT other sounds. The documentation isn’t clear (actually is incomplete) and discussions on it are buried in other threads.

You must have notifications turned on for that cam. Otherwise, you will not get alarm notifications no matter what you set other places. This is the part that was not clear in the documentation.

Obviously go into alarms and enable one or both (might as well do both, it does a good job of differentiating them).

In detection settings, if you aren’t going to enable recording/notifications for the “other sounds” category, then crank the sound sensitivity up to 100. If you do have “other sounds” enabled this may be problematic and you’ll probably want to stick with the default, or something between that and 100, may have to test and tweak.

In Event Recording, if you don’t want any sound events to be recorded, toggle off Sound. Don’t worry, alarms override this setting. If you do want some or all sound events to record (to SD or the cloud) then leave it on.

Choose either all events or smart detection events and go into customize. Set the tag (record) and notify however you want. Again, alarms will always override these settings, so these are only for things other than alarms. Note that if you have sound disabled on the previous menu, then any “tag” settings for sound here have no effect. Same if you have motion disabled.

Under notifications, as mentioned, it must be ON. You can go into “manage” here and confirm your settings are the same they were on the events customization, they should be (except for “other” which if you have cam plus/unlimited, seems to only show in one of the two places).

With the above settings, alarms will record an event and send a notification (assuming you have your OS set to allow notifications) no matter what. Obviously the alarm must be close enough to the cam to be picked up. It seems to trigger after about 10 seconds of the alarm going off.

ONE BIG CAVEAT. If you have a rule (automation) that disables notifications, it will also disable alarm notifications. So keep that in mind. I had to change from using “I’m home” and “I’m away” to control my notifications to going into the notification settings and checking off “other motion” when I’m away.

There is a “wishlist” topic I created to have the alarms also override the main notifications enabled/disabled setting. This would ensure automations don’t inadvertently disable alarm notifications. Feel free to go and vote for that.

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Great instructions, however this should be in the Tips & Tricks category I think.


That’s what I would’ve expected before I clicked into this one. If he wants it recategorized, @dave27 can flag his own post and ask the Moderators to move it.

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Apparently I can move it myself. Figured since it was specific to cameras it fit there, but two votes against one so I caved.


I thought the same thing when I first read it too (that it should be in Tips & Tricks ), but it wasn’t out of place in Cameras either, so I didn’t say anything because people watching the Cameras category would also benefit from it.

I do think it is better in Tips and Tricks through. It will be a good reference and show up in searches by relevance:

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Nah, you do you. Stick it to the man! Thumb your nose at the rest of us!

Actually, I didn’t know you could just recategorize it yourself, so I appreciate that secondary tip! I thought it might require Moderator intervention. Good to know!


I’m the man and you’re the man and he’s the man as well…

I can’t even quote the name of the song much less the lyrics after that.

At least it’s not “I’m the Man”, by Anthrax.

I tried everything that he suggested and I still can’t get my smoke alarms to notify me when they go off on my phone.

Other notifications from the cams are working fine?

How far away from the detector are the cams? In my testing about 20 feet seemed to be the max with an OG (that’s with the sound sensitivity cranked all the way up to 100, which I’m not positive affects the alarms), but each cam has different sound sensitivities too. However there are also a couple open doorways and a narrow hall between the detector and cam I was testing with so if it is a wide open area the sound may travel/get picked up better.

They also are only set to pick up the two standard sounds. 3 medium length beeps for smoke and 4 beeps for CO. Took about 2 to 3 sets of beeps for it to trigger the notification.

My camera is 8 ft from the smoke alarm. It’s a wide open room approximately 24x28. Maybe my smoke alarms give a different kind of beeping off then the newer ones these are like 20 years old. I have three cameras in that room set for smoke alarm detection and none of them pick it up.

20 year old detectors likely are not adhering to T3/T4 alarm sound standards.

Smoke alarms are good for 10 years max. They are long overdue for replacement anyway. Once replaced, since all new alarms have to adhere to the T3/T4 standards (in the US at least), the detection will start working.