Hello, I have a couple of Cam V3 that go nuts with rain and snow flakes. I have to set the motion detection sensitivity to almost 1 at times to stop 100 events throughout the night. I am including a video. Hope you can see it. Just wondering what you all do? I just deal with it and the next morning delete all those events or if it’s during the day I set the sensitivity down to 1 or turn off events. Thanks!
It looks like you have Night vision mode on. Try turning it Off and see if you have enough light and less motion detection.
I have it set to Auto. Turn it off? But then you can’t see anything with the camera.
I had this issue with both bugs and rain and ended up turning off the IR lights and relying only on person detection events. The combination is perfect for my needs.
That was with V2s. The V3 should make it even easier because of their fine unilluminated night vision. You might put up a small light or floodlight outside to help if needed.
(Unfortunately my V3s won’t integrate with Alexa properly so I can’t really use them at all.)
Maybe in your case filter Event recordings so you only see AI Events of interest (not all motion). Wyze will auto delete all cloud videos after 14 days.
Had the same with my V3s and as suggested, turned off IR lights and left night vision set to auto. Now the V3 Pros are a whole other story, the night vision is not good compared to the V3s.
Oh? Must have missed that. Still better than the V2 I assume?
I don’t have any V2s but I would think so. Don’t want to derail this thread but just a quick comment. I had a V3 in an area with almost no lights and had no issue with the IR lights off and night vision on auto. Replaced it with a V3 Pro and using the same settings it is extremely dark. When I get a chance I’m going to set them up side by side to compare.
Thanks, I’ll give that a try.
I have just AI motion to be recorded, but I still got many non AI events.
I have Notifications for only Persons selected. All motion still gets recorded. In Events I filter what I want to see. I let everything auto delete after 14 days. Hope this helps.
Thanks it helps. But why is the software still recording snow flakes when I have it set for only AI events and “no other motion” is also my point in this thread.
That is interesting. Does it categorize the events with any AI tags or does it just say “Motion”?
Can you screenshot the events page showing it’s recording motion without AI even though you have it set to only record AI events? That’s possibly something we should pass on. I would think it shouldn’t be doing that.
I’ll look into it. It’s been doing this on all my cameras for ever. I still get non AI events.
I was under the impression that event recordings have to be on for all motions, in order for all motion clips to be analyzed in the cloud for AI events.
The settings in event recording is just for us to ask the cloud to identify if there’re any AI events in all the motion clips uploaded.
Since V3 doesn’t know if these motion detection clips contain AI events, it has to upload all of them to the cloud first.
Good question. I would think what you said is true.
I have both a V3 and a V3Pro and the Pro is no where near as sensitive at night. Kind of disappointing actually. I expected it to be at least as good.
Turning off the IR lights on 2 of cameras is much better. I have enough yard light with the snow to still make it ok.
I keep reading about how V3 pro’s night vision is not as good as V3s. Does anyone have V3 pro and OG? Are their night vision comparable?
I find my OG’s night vision is a bit worse than V3, but not too bad. Definitely much better than my V2s when I have to turn off the IR lights.
Be aware, the v3 Pro is currently listed as Sold Out on the Wyze site.