Thank God! Finally someone with “common sense” and “common courtesy“ neither of which seems to be very common these days. Bingi! That’s all I’ve been saying. I am NOT trying to get anything for free here guys!
Understand, everytime I got a new rep, it was like they didn’t read the case and I was starting from zero…. Virtually EVERYTIME !
Long time ago I had to go on customer site to resolve an issue. The customer was extremely unhappy with something they could not do with our product, and kept asking why we cannot support this.
I went through our documentation and found 1 single line that explained this cannot be done per design, and showed it to them. All of a sudden they backed off and accepted this simple sentence as a legitimate NO to their request. I was amazed at how well this worked.
Sometimes, documentation and policy is king. Especially when you need to say no to a customer, keeping it professional and impersonal is best.
Most mature, thoughtful people would rather not be so abruptly told “NO!”.
Most people would consider that to be rude and impersonal.
No customer service manager in their right mind would ever train their reps to be so brusque with customers, even if a small minority of customers would respond better to it. Allegedly.
The customer service rep can not read minds, only rely on their own experiences (and training) for what is effective most of the time.
Expecting perfection in human communication is tone deaf. Especially when that supposed “good customer service” in the eyes of that one customer goes against all of the experience on what constitutes effective customer service, for customers who are not hellbent on some irrational demand and “being right”.
When you wonder why nobody wants these jobs, and why you have to jump through endless computer voice prompts just to speak to a human being, this is the type of customer who has led to that.
The same customer will furiously state that the company makes it difficult to talk to a person, only to be irrational and abusive to that person.
Being obtuse just for the sake of appearing to be right, is immature at best. There are other more suitable adjectives I’ll refrain from using.
I’m not convinced “NO” would have worked on this particular customer. It’s just the soapbox this customer has chosen to “win” on since no rational argument can be won. “I was unrealistic in my expectations” is beyond the scope of self-reflection in some folks.
I’ve been in the business community for over 30 years as a white collar negotiator for an international company. Straight out of the gates you are making assumptions and projecting.
You may enjoy having “smoke” blown at you. I don’t have the time or patience.
You’re saying you wanted your call to go like this:
cabbye1: “I saw an advertised sale for cameras at X price, it was advertised on tiktok. The cameras are more expensive on your website than this, can you price match the offer?”
Wyze rep: “No”
Based on your messages in this thread, I don’t think that would have gone any better.
It appears one has a chip on ones shoulder about… a customer service rep being … polite?
You bought a $35 dollar camera? Or two of them? Whatever. Get over yourself and your claimed “30 years in the business world”.
Based on how you’ve reacted to missing out on a few dollars discount from a Tiktok promotion, and your inability to even comprehend how the tiktok business model works, I call BS on your claim to “be in the business world”. If it’s true, it’s been 30 years of miserable failure, revealed plainly by your behavior in this thread.
Nobody “shined on you”. Nobody lied to or deceived you. You just don’t seem to comprehend english nor what’s considered general politeness.
And all of this over a few dollars…
This is very interesting to me, if I’m honest, and why I’ve participated in this. I find the study of the human brain’s internal self-defense mechanisms fascinating. The brain wants to be right. It’ll make the connections necessary to justify itself. Studying the progression of Dementia is especially interesting, albeit very heartbreaking.
We are a bit more lenient about the Community Guidelines in the Watercooler but there are several ad hominem attacks (name calling) in the latest several posts. Please express your opinions about the subject matter while also being kind to each other. You all deserve each other’s respect even if you don’t agree.
OMG I’m so done with the apologist…. Not answering. I’ve invested way too much time on this. Shame on me …. Bye guys enjoy your so interesting lives protecting WYZE…
Exactly! There are even a couple episodes base on it:
They also use the portion leading into the “lone ranger segment” as the background music for all the “dawn is breaking” scenes. That’s the portion that is played in the beginning of the above clip. I have that portion set up as my alarm clock music. And if that doesn wake me up, then the lone ranger portion definitely does.
That’s a great application. And the fact that you can hear it everyday without tiring of it speaks well of the piece.
The opening cut on an album is kinda like that. I once put the first two CSNY albums on a single CD with the second album first because I never get tired of Carry On.