I did escalate this for you as I said I would, and it sounds like nobody contacted you about what they found. I am reading that the status was basically that there wasn’t anything more the agent could do after troubleshooting failed to resolve the issue since the device is out of warranty. So that is the status update to your ticket as you are requesting and struggling to learn.
I tried to explain that in my opinion this issue doesn’t have anything to do with the device or it’s warranty status. My personal belief is that they need to have an engineer on the Rules Engine team go into your account and delete the “Ghost Rule” there on the Backend, that it is Wyze’s server that is the problem, not the device. Of course, since I don’t have access to verify that, it is mostly an educated hypothesis based on past experience of seeing similar rare issues and how they were resolved. We haven’t seen this is a long time because Wyze indicated that they resolved whatever was causing Ghost Rules in the past. So it is possible the cause and resolution is something totally different now for which I have no knowledge, so I can’t conclusively say anything as I don’t have the access. However, I do feel a little frustrated with the status conclusion that they can’t do more because the device is out of warranty, when it is my strong belief that I think it doesn’t have anything to do with the device. But again, I don’t know know that with absolute certainty. Still, I do feel frustrated that the rules engine team didn’t get involved to see if it is a ghost rule stuck on the back end due to a server issue of not actually deleting the rule on the back end when you told it to delete it.
I feel like I have personally exhausted the options at my disposal after I escalated this situation for you and explained what I believe the issue to be, and finding the status is that there is nothing more the support agents could’ve done beyond the troubleshooting script. I think this is the first time I have ever been disappointed with an escalation outcome/status.
I no longer have any contact with any employees on the Rules Engine team either, so I can’t ask someone on that team to investigate. I did pass on more details to another employee, trying to clarify what I believe could be a potential resolution, but I am not sure that will play out any differently.
To answer about the logs though, Support doesn’t have any access to read the logs. Only the devs/engineers can read logs. And to be honest, the logs are very technical, so the support staff wouldn’t understand what they are seeing in the logs anyway. It doesn’t mean that NOBODY can see the logs, just that the support staff can’t tell you anything about them because they are restricted to the eyes of the devs/engineers only. What they do is pass the logs onto a dev/engineer team and THEY review the logs and then will tell support a summary of what they found.
In this case, the closed ticket means they’ve determined there is nothing more they can do about this issue.
I love Wyze, I am going on 300+ devices with Wyze and 40 cameras, so I am a big fan, but I am very disappointed in how this situation was handled, and I have passed on feedback that in my strong opinion, when they get a report of a ghost rule like this, it needs to be passed on to someone with access to rules engine who can look into it and potentially delete any ghost rule causing this kind of chaos. It is my opinion that it should have nothing to do with the Device Warranty. I believe it is something to do with the Wyze Servers and The Backend…the “Rules Engine” and that it should be handled by someone with that access. But I do not work for Wyze, and I do not have the access to be sure my assumptions are even correct. But I will say this may go down as one of the few instances where I have actually been disappointed in Wyze…such instances are very rare and a short list, but I feel something should be updated to better resolve ghost rule issues like this.