Here are a couple of requests for the Wyze app. I don’t see any way to send this to Wyze other than a support chat so hopefully they are monitoring these forums. One issue is getting dumped out of the settings page back to the main app page. Here is how to reproduce.
Go to Devices
Tap on a device (camera)
Tap settings gear (upper right)
As you scroll down and are editing the settings, you might tap on Automations. Automations has an arrow to the right indicating that it will take you to the Automations page for this device. Turns out there is no such page.
Instead if you tap on Automations you are taken out to the main Automations page for the app. Now there is NO WAY to return to the device editing page you were just on. Tapping the phone back arrow immediately closes the app with no warning. There is no way within the app to go back. You have to now navigate again to devices, select your device, and go to settings.
Another issue - sometimes hitting the device back button takes me back a page in the app, but other times it closes the Wyze app completely. How is one to know whether they can actually go back or pressing back will close the app? I can’t count the times I’ve accidentally left the app when I wanted to go back a page. Many apps will ask you to confirm you want to exit. That would be an incredibly helpful feature in this app,
What you’re describing seems (at least in part) like a request in a related Wishlist topic:
Navigation in the v3x Wyze app is definitely frustrating, especially when hitting a “back” button doesn’t result in the behavior that I think most users are probably accustomed to expecting.
Most importantly is to search Wishlist first to see if there is an existing wishlist submission on whatever you are thinking about. You can add to and vote on existing wishlists to help further them along.