Fix It Friday

Did fix it friday go away? I haven’t seen an August post and we’re halfway thru the month.


I would speculate that they’ve had their hands full with the recent firmware updates and the major app update, because there was no solicitation post last month, either, only an update.


I hope they bring it back, I found it very useful and informative.


I agree. I imagine they will at some point if/when things simmer down, because it seems to be a decent tool for directly communicating pressing issues to Wyze as a group (rather than submitting individual Support tickets). Even though there wasn’t a request post for July, there were still plenty of issues being tracked on the list that was released.

And not many if any fixed regretfully. I’ve been waiting 10 months for my old WCO v1 cams not to have a 1 minute cooldown period when the cams are set for no cooldown. The WCO cams are on Cam Unlimited like all the rest of my cams but they take a one minute snooze between recordings even though there is motion right in front of them. I guess they have no interest or desire to support WCO users any longer.

I guess we could populate this thread with all the ones from July that did not get fixed? WyzeJasonJ could then put them together at some point.

I think the same is probably true about supporting Watch users and I’m concerned that other “lifestyle” products like Scales may see the same fate at some point.

In their defense, I think they’ve been releasing a lot of firmware updates in attempts to fix some lingering issues, and I suspect that the Wyze Cam Outdoor v1 issue you describe is a low priority because of the perceived number of affected users. I’m still cautious about their firmware updates, though, because of what they apparently did to Video Doorbell v2 notifications with updates earlier this year. If you’re breaking one thing while trying to fix something else, then is the new fix actually a fix?

My guess (and it’s only a guess) is that he’s probably had enough to do without Forum users piling on, and I would imagine that’s why there was no post last month—or so far this month—soliciting new issues. The update from July seemed fairly full as it was.

I don’t think that it’s been canceled, but they did recently get a little overwhelmed and I believe they’re prioritizing all the app feedback and the new subscription they’ve been advertising is coming out and working on all year.

My guess is that they will resume fix it Friday requests after some of that is settled down. Cuz they still have a list of other fix it Friday issues that they haven’t caught up with yet Since all their resources have been prioritized to other things lately.

I’m really glad to hear somebody say they like fix it Friday. I think it is highly beneficial and would be a super huge shame if it went away for good. But for some reason there are a lot of people who don’t think that it has any value. I can list dozens of important things that got fixed almost solely Thanks to fixit Friday


I for one highly value it. I see it as an excellent way to get issues that have been vetted by the moderators back to the developers and to keep us, the customers, informed of progress on vexing bugs that can sometimes be very hard to nail down.


I agree that the Fix-it Friday monthly thread is a great place to look for current problems and work-a rounds.
I really hope they continue it.


Please bring back Fix-it Friday!
This was an excellent place to go to find the status of current problems.

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And find the ones that have not been fixed since 6 November 2023 (WCO 1 Minute Cooldown Period) on cameras that users are paying Cam Plus and Cam Plus Unlimited subscriptions for. I say :cow2: :poop:

My Eight WCO’s are still waiting for the fix to allow me to set “No Cooldown” I’m sure WYZE knows roughly how many WCO V1s are affected. Apparently they don’t care to resolve the issue?

Wyze broke it, it was working, so unbreak it… roll the firmware back to when it was working.

One bonus to the 1 minute cooldown ‘undocumented feature’, is my batteries are lasting longer… cause they are NOT RECORDING MUCH OF ANYTHING.


Bummer. I thought Fix-It-Friday was back. :frowning_face:

They haven’t hired help for Jason yet. He expected to get some by January, but I don’t believe it’s happened yet, so Fix it Frida is still on pause until that actually happens.

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The outstanding issues and questions that we have haven’t paused…

Perhaps we should start a fresh new list for whomever steps up to the plate to field those issues and questions?

I’ll go first:

1. When will the Cooldown on my 8 WCO’s actually be able to be set to ‘No Cooldown’? (Why is it stuck at 1 Minute of Cooldown?)


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? :thinking:

Cute rebranding to make it life-like?


Never because WYZE has no intention of fixing it. Read the history. First they said they could not replicate it, Then they said they did and they would work on a fix. 1 Year and four months later no fix.