Fix-It Friday 7/7/2023

This is interesting to me. I would’ve thought the detection zone was mostly done by firmware since it has to be on the camera locally to tell it what to ignore before reporting it to the cloud. I guess this means that setting the detection zone is done in the cloud with the App, and then those parameters are given to the camera to store in a file telling to block out x/y coordinate to x/y coordinate and our setting it up isn’t really being done on the camera live, just transferred to the camera from the cloud after we click save. I just thought that was an interesting hint implied by this response. This also tells me that Wyze could fairly easily update the detection grids to be more customizable like some other companies have, instead of limiting us to a static grid to choose from. It probably wouldn’t even require a firmware update. They would just design a new detection zone GUI and it converts and saves those paramets onto the camera later to tell it which pixels to ignore/detect in a video. It sure would be nice to have more flexibility. For example, if you have a sidewalk going diagonal across your camera frame, you’re going to have a jagged detection zone and struggle trying to keep that sidewalk in view but not the road, but if it was more customizable like other companies have, we could just easily drop a couple of detection dots between the sidewalk and the road and it would include the entire sidewalk and none of the road. That kind of thing is hard to do with this grid, but I am glad to learn it might be easier to update in the future some day…not saying it will happen, but I’m glad to know a little better how it works.

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