Fix-It-Friday 6/3/2022

Hi, everybody! :smiley:

Thank you for all the submissions that came in this weekend! We have a nice new list of topics to dig into.

Here’s what’s new:

Forum - Wyze Air Purifier Insights graph is not updating when expected :chart_with_upwards_trend:

We’re looking into this! Thanks for the report. We fixed something similar recently and are checking to see what’s going on here.

Core - Stationary vehicle tagging and person detection tagging shadows :taxi:

Alright, this one actually brings back an already active topic! But we figured we’d let you know about the developments for our AI Fix-It Friday entries.

We’re working on improvements that will allow us to flag (or ignore) objects that are stationary. One of the key components of this is that we need the camera to tell the cloud if the object has moved or not. This is going to require a firmware update and will be part of the multiple months-long process that we’ve been undertaking. When complete, this will allow things like moving vehicle detection instead of just telling you a vehicle was in the shot.

We’re also working on a solution that will show you what was identified as a person, vehicle, pet, etc. We suspect that folks are understandably assuming that the tagged motion would be what got tagged as an object like a person or pet but that’s not always the case. When you’re able to see what was recognized, you’ll be able to adjust the camera angle or the environment it’s looking at to reduce false positives. But this will also take a while and require a firmware update.

Because these initiatives will go a long time without updates that are meaningful to folks outside of the engineering team, we’re going to remove this from the update list until we have something more concrete to tell you about timing and progress.

Core - Shortcuts aren’t always working properly

We’re sending this over to the team for review! Could you please give us more details about the Shortcuts and their success ratio? Have you sent in any logs after some failed to run properly? What does the Rule History say the reason for failure was? To find that, go into Account > Rules > History.

The next time you see this go funky, please submit a log through the following instructions and then post the log number here:

Account > Wyze Support > Submit a Log > Make sure you select your affected device and describe the issue in the description field. Giving the date, time, and time zone that you ran into the problem will help us locate the relevant area of the log more quickly!

Reddit - Wyze Cams on Cam Plus are only receiving Wyze AI notifications and not the standard motion-only notifications

Alright, the first step on this one is to make sure that your settings are correct on your side. There’s a lot that could go on here but the fastest thing to resolve is usually if the settings just need to be adjusted. Could you please let us know what your detection and notification settings are set to? In this case, we especially want to make sure that the All Other Motion option is turned on. If that’s all configured correctly, we’ll need to dive deeper into this like checking to make sure the cloud is matching your displayed settings in the app.

Discord - Camera is ignoring detection settings like sensitivity and zone

We have the team looking into this! If you’re running into this problem, please let us know the following information:

  • What cameras are impacted (Wyze Cam v3, Wyze Video Doorbell, etc.). Using the full product name will help us isolate this faster.
  • What app version you’re currently using.
  • After this happens, please submit a log using the following instructions and post the log number here:
    • Account > Wyze Support > Submit a Log > Make sure you select your affected device and describe the issue in the description field. Giving the date, time, and time zone that you ran into the problem will help us locate the relevant area of the log more quickly!

Let’s Take a Look at Some Previous Submissions

Cannot select Wyze Cams when building Alexa Routines in the Alexa app

This should be fixed around June 10th! The Alexa team says that’s when their app update that has the bug fix should be going out. Please let us know if the update does not resolve this for you. Otherwise, we’ll be taking this off of the update list.

Person Detection for Cam Plus Lite can’t be used in Wyze Rules but did work for Legacy Person Detection

We’re testing 2.32 in beta but need to make a new build. Hopefully we’ll have a new version ready for you to try later this week! If not, next week will probably have the release candidate.

Cam Plus Person Detection is turning off for people. One person reports a factory reset resolving the problem

We’ve been waiting for logs and other reports of this to come in for Fix-It Friday but haven’t been seeing any come in. If you see another community member experiencing this, please send them over to read this and lend a hand! Or just link to their post and we’ll follow up. If we don’t get any communication about this issue by next week, we’ll remove it from the update list.

Here are the log submission instructions again in case you’re experiencing this issue:

Account > Wyze Support > Submit a Log > Make sure you select your affected device and describe the issue in the description field. Giving the date, time, and time zone that you ran into the problem will help us locate the relevant area of the log more quickly!