I know Wyze is already aware of this bug and working on it (thanks WyzeJasonJ for passing the information on to the appropriate team), but it seems we should report it here anyway for all those struggling with this issue still.
Cards up to 128GB work fine with exFAT format, but larger cards (256GB, 512GB, etc) in exFAT will only record video for a small amount of GB before it stops using the card (I have seen reports for limits of 20GB, 30GB, 84GB, 100GB). --Some users report that formating larger cards to FAT32 makes them work as normal, but even if this is the case, the issue should still be addressed/resolved.
There is a recent report that firmware in beta-testing may have fixed this bug for V2 cameras, but we still have no report about what’s going on with the rest of the cams, including the V3.
Lots of reports about this in the following threads: