Fix-It Friday - 3/1/2024

Some OG cams are having trouble with SD card playback

There are reports that some people are having trouble viewing SD cards with OG cams after recent updates. This seems to particularly be the case for those without Cam Plus (though some with Cam Plus are reporting the issue too). Users reporting that they can do playback for about 30 seconds before it freezes.

This was reported by @StevenP in the following threads:

@mike7 confirmed they are having the same problem even with Cam Plus.

@pauline.hodel also reported the same issue here:

@Guycan confirmed the issue here:

@striker-byway-01 confirmed the same issue:

For what it is worth, since this is clearly not an isolated incident, then I think this is one of the highest-impact issues and should make it into FiF from at least one of the platforms.

If this issue is affecting you, please vote on it.

Note that Jason reports all issues regardless, but the top issue in each platform will get the benefit of weekly reports on progress.