Failed to upload short clips, any progress?

Any progress on the 2-3 second failed to upload event clips? It’s been occurring for quite some time and I didn’t see any mention on the service/issues page. Clicking on OK takes you back to the top of the events page so you lose your place.
Log #54909.
Thank you

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This frustrates me as well. At first it only happened on my CamPlus uploads, but today it happened on other normal cams without CamPlus. It used to never happen at all on any cams.

Only on my CamPlus camera so far but that is my most actively used camera.
I also sometimes get an event that says it’s 5 minutes long but when I play it, it’s only around 20 seconds.

I have had no 3 -4 sec clips (Failed to upload) with the last beta firmware but I have new other issues.

After this last FW and app update I’m not seeing any short failed to upload event clips. Normally I’d have 1-2 per screen. We’ll see how it goes.