Got mine today. There basically no instructions so I have no idea how to make it use the sensor properly yet. Just wanted to use the sensor during the night to prioritize my bedroom so I’m not sweating while in bed even though my first floor is 68…. If anyone has pro tips I’m all ears.
Here is some instructional material:
Thanks for sharing this. This product is boarderline useless if you can’t control heating and cooling based on one sensor…it seems so obvious I want my bedroom to be a temperature so I can sleep I could care less what the other side of the house is at….
I fully agree with that! That is exactly how I would like to use the sensors too. Exclude the thermostat at night, replacing it with a sensor in my bedroom that doesn’t drop itself because of no motion (as I am under the covers). Unfortunately they only average ATM.
Is there another place we should be voicing our opinion so the devs see it??
Just got my sensors.
From what I can tell, the only thing the sensors actually “do” is participate in Comfort Control, by sensing motion and averaging temperature with the thermostat. They can also send an alert if their temperature varies from the thermostat’s.
Is there nothing else that can be done with them? Like averaging temperature, regardless of motion sensing? Or using them to, say, flash a light if they go beyond a specified temperature?
In addition, because the sensors aren’t standalone devices, but rather underneath the thermostat, they’re not able to be used to trigger any rules. Also, Comfort Control is not able to be used in rules either, as a trigger or to be controlled.
The problem is, I’m jewish, and I can’t have motion sensors operating on Shabbat. For the thermostat, I put a small piece of tape over the sensor, and then I just don’t use any of the motion-sensing features. With these room sensors, though, I’m worried that there’s no reason for me to have bought them if I’m not going to use the motion sensing. And worse, I can’t just put a piece of tape over them, because then they’ll do absolutely nothing (excluded from comfort control, they do nothing but let me see the current temperature. In comfort control, they wouldn’t be used by the thermostat because there’s no motion.)
I was hoping that there would be other uses for them, like controlling temperature regardless of motion state, ignoring the thermostat’s temperature, viewing temperature data in an easy-to use dashboard, historical data, etc.
Instead, as of now, all I see myself using them for is to give my thumb a workout, by constantly refreshing the sensors page to see if there’s any change.
This can be done. Select whether you want them on day time schedule (house icon) or sleep schedule (moon icon), then just de-select the “Auto Comfort” toggle. Then it doesn’t consider motion, but it will still use the sensors for considering temperature regardless of motion depending on what you set the priority to be.
No, these don’t have rule triggers at this time. The HMS Climate sensors do all that though.
They’ll work as you’re hoping (balance temperature and ignore the motion sensor), so no worries
Yes, the Wishlist.
Thank you for reporting your experience.
Im going to hold off until it’s possible to switch completely over to a bedroom sensor at night.
Thanks for the tip!
So “Auto Comfort” and “Comfort Control” are 2 different things? The first being motion sensing, and the second being if they’re considered for temperature? And the little icons for home and sleep go away when auto comfort is de-selected, though. Does that mean anything?
@spamoni can explain or clarify this more clearly when he wakes up and sees he’s been tagged here He ran tests with his to verify everything, but yes, apparently they are independent options and even though the day and sleep icons disappear when auto comfort is deselected, they continue to work based on the priority setting we select.
(Sorry a little sleep deprived at the moment to give a thorough explanation)
That’s perfect, I get it, thanks! At least the option is there. The app should probably be clearer, though.
Thanks @carverofchoice
@Manmeyco , you are correct in the following:
Auto Comfort Toggle On- Activates the Motion Sensing on the Remote Sensors to control the Temp. When Motion is sensed the more weight or Credence is placed on the Remote Sensor which sees the motion. I just learned that after about 30 minutes or so, if no activity is seen the system will move that sensor to the “Not Included” area until it sees motion again. Also, this setting will require you to pick which mode the sensors will participate in, Home or Sleep or both. Any sensors not tagged with Home or Sleep will not be used to participate in Auto Comfort. If multiple sensors see motion then those sensors will be moved to the Included Area and be used to average the Temp.
Auto Comfort Toggle Off- This will turn off the ability to set Mode selection and turn off motion sensing for the remote sensors. Therefore, which ever Sensors you put in the included area will remain there and Participate in the Temp Average. The only way to stop a sensor from participating is to remove it from the Included section.
Please note: In all cases the Main T-Stat will be used in the average calculations. I am hoping that Wyze will allow the main T-Stat to be removed from the equation and allow us to select a remote sensor as the main T-Stat temp sensor.
In your Case, what you could potentially do is turn off Auto Comfort, then only add the sensor in the location where you would like to regulate the temp, to the Included Section.
Ohhhh, this is a great suggestion! Have a setting to select what the primary sensor is, have the Tstat set by default, but allow any sensor to be swapped out as the Primary sensor. This is brilliant.
Is there a wishlist for this yet?
According to Wyze, this is already a feature. From the Feature Tips page in the app
“Wyze Room Sensor uses its motion sensor to
detect occupancy and adjust the temperature
accordingly. Only the occupied room will be
I’ve only been able to set the system up where its always balancing with the thermostat. Has anyone figured out how to only have it run based on the room sensors with motion? In my setup, the room with the thermostat is always being looked at for a temp calculation even if it’s not occupied.
I think there is. On the Ecobee, it will list the primary T-Stat as a sensor and then you tag which modes you would like to participate in. you can select none. By doing this, the T-Stat only acts as a controller for your HVAC, but the Temp needs are provided by the selected or multiple selected Sensor Devices.
I believe this is one which best fits what I am saying. Although, I would like it to be primary all the time.
This is actually indicating that the Remote Sensors will automatically move into the Included section of the Comfort Control area when Auto Comfort is selected. Once the Sensor Moves into that location it will then average the primary T-Stat with the sensors that are included in the comfort control area.
The main T-Stat cannot be removed from the equation at this time. At least, that is what I understand and have validate in my testing.
So it sounds like instead of saying “Only the occupied room will be heated/cooled” Wyze should amend the documentation to say “Only the occupied room plus the room with the thermostat will be heated/cooled.”
True. you can test this and see for yourself. Put a Sensor in a room or two and then try to do the average without using the Main T-Stat and then do it with it. You will notice the Temp on the main screen will only match when you add the Main T-Stat.
This has been suggested and discussed. So hopefully it can be added.
I’ve noticed the same, just wanted to make sure it wasn’t just me. I’m surprised Wyze is being so misleading on the marketing of this one feature when overall this is a great HVAC control setup with the features it does have and at the price point.
And @spamoni thanks for all the in depth testing you’ve done, it’s helped a lot in figuring out how these work.