Events Dissappearing

I’ve been on the latest App on Android 14 and have a myriad of cameras and types. I’ve noticed this multiple times but my event lists disappear (No Events Found :() for all days and cameras. I think if I restart my phone the events reappear but it is inconvenient.

Also today my light and outlet groups show they are on while they are actually off. I go into the group and turn all the devices off but the group still shows them as on when I return to Home.

Just letting everyone know what I’m seeing.

Edit: There is another post about this which I didn’t find when I searched for it. Another workaround is to go into Wyze App Settings for your phone and clear the program data and cache. You will have to log back into the Wyze App and there may be other side effects but this seems to fix the problem.

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I see this when I am having some kind of connectivity issue. I find I can close the app, turn off WiFi on my phone and then turn it back on to reconnect to the Router, then open the Wyze app and it works again.

However, I agree it may also have something to do with the app because it didn’t used to do this very often. I wonder if the new changes require more bandwidth or something.

Also, can you confirm what your app version number is? I’m curious if it is related to the new events tab updates they are testing or not.


but this problem has been around for a while for me, ever since v3 appeared.

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I think it might have to do with the app trying to do so much when you open it, especially if you have a lot of stuff on your favorites screen. Seems like if you try to move on to something else too quickly it isn’t quite “ready” for that. I was noticing a lot of odd stuff and once I removed the live feeds from favorites and just put a cam group there, a lot of stuff started working better.

Similar to the issue that has existed for a long time when you used to get the “unable to refresh device list” and your filters would be gone from the events tab, but then refreshing the device list would fix it. We know that still exists in the 3.0 app, but it no longer gives an error, you just know because your filters aren’t applied.

I never had this problem before with v2 of the App. Everything is pretty much the same (groups/devices). Frankly v3 looks like a simple interface change to me as there doesn’t seem to be any new functionality (at the user level).

When you launch the v3.x app it is now attempting to connect to all the cams on the favorites screen and stream live video, so the workload at launch of the app is a lot higher than before (2.x didn’t connect until you tapped a cam or opened a device group). My observation is that unless you let that screen fully establish and load (and it never seems to for certain cam models) before moving on to another screen, things get buggy. That’s why I took all the cams off the favorites screen.

If you had no cams on your device list on the old app (they were all in groups) then I suppose you probably have none on the new app so maybe that’s why it doesn’t look different? In that case yours isn’t trying to do a bunch of stuff at app launch and that isn’t related.

While you may be right, I kind of doubt it. When I select a camara group from the Favorites screen, I go into a particular camera group and they are starting to connect. If I wait a few minutes after starting up the App, the connection sequence is the same. Wyze may do some kind of initial connection but not for streaming, just status.

Frankly, connecting to your cameras has always been a problem for me and it still occurs in V3. After viewing 1-2 camera groups, the third one hangs trying to connect to some or all of the cameras. This could be the phone or the router I cannot tell. I usually have to exit the App and go back in.

I think Wyze is playing games trying to minimize connections. And the problem with losing events is bugs in storing things on the phone, IMO.

Obviously your experience may vary depending what you have on the favorites screen. I have noticed if I just have an OG on the favorites screen, it connects very quickly (all my OGs do, improved a lot with the latest firmware) and doesn’t seem to confuse/hang up the app when I then go into something else.

I have the same issue with the v3 app, if I view a cam group, then a different one, then go to a specific cam, at some point the video feed hangs and I have to close and reopen it. That’s the main reason I took them off the favorites screen, to eliminate one of those connection attempts that seems to confuse it eventually. But sometimes even just the first thing I try, like viewing a cam group, some cams won’t live stream. They need to polish the 3.0 app more. I still have a phone with 2.5 and it is much less likely to have stream issues. The only time I see that in 2.5 is on the “monitoring” screen which I don’t really use, that never seemed to work right.

Could be totally unrelated, just a possible theory. The events tab does require a download from the internet so maybe your internet has had some issues recently that interfered with it and it isn’t the app at all.

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