I think it’s kind of cool to be honest. Take my Video Doobell Pro stats:
At a glance it alerts me that there is something very different that happened on Thursday (we hosted Thanksgiving) and shows me several things at a glance, including all the packages. Also, check out Wednesday, I can see that Wednesday night there was a ton of activity and now I can go check and see why there was so much going on at my house on Wednesday night when usually there is very little activity during those hours.
Check out how useful this thing is for a Toddler cam though!
The above stats tell me that there was abnormal activity going on in my toddler’s room on the 26th, both during the daytime and at night. The night time abnormality indicates that my daughter must not be sleeping very well or was restless or something else. Now I am informed that it might be worth filtering events to my daughters camera on Saturday and see what was going on at night to cause so many more events than normal…A TON more than normal. This one in particular is definitely helpful to me.
Others also:
These statistics and patterns are interesting to me. Also, if a camera suddenly goes from X minutes of events to almost 0, like you can see in the dining room cam above, that is also a warning about something that happened. You can see that it will even tell you when there is a specific change of certain detections…such as it noticing that it’s weird that my pets are suddenly being spotted on one of the cams way more than normal, and I might wonder why they’re suddenly in that area so much more when they didn’t used to be, or why they aren’t in an area anymore when they have been a lot in the past. Same with people, packages, vehicles, crying, talking, or pattern changes with all sorts of other detections. Maybe it even does it with face recognition and can tell me a certain PERSON has been showing up or avoiding a certain place differently than they used to. I think that’s all really cool.
Such notifications of pattern changes can help to inform us in countless ways. Maybe an animal/bird bumped or moved it out of place, maybe something happened to the camera. I can think of dozens of ways these stats are cool for me, and I do use them. I really only check them once a week or so, but I definitely do use them and like them. Though I would like to be able to set push notifications/alerts to be actively notified when an abnormality is detected on certain cameras, AND I wish it was easier to switch to which cameras stats I wanted to look at, instead of having to hit the left arrow and right arrow to move to the next camera.
I don’t think it is taking away resources from anything else important though. Keep in mind that Wyze has several different dedicated teams of different kinds of specialists. People working on AI stuff like this weren’t ever going to be the people working on “making the camera more stable” or any other product. It is solely their talent to find new ways to make the AI useful. I think this is a cool thing to explore. There are certainly going to be ways to make it better, but it’s got some decent potential IMO.
I love the stats summary myself, and don’t consider it a Gimmick, but something that has informed me of several cool things that I would’ve overlooked and wouldn’t have realized without it. I think the AI team should keep exploring along these lines and improving it and allow us to choose to get a notification about it for certain cameras…such as for my toddler cam (let me know if there is something abnormal happening with my daughter’s sleep schedule, etc). I give it a thumbs up and hope to see more options.
Also, for anyone who does not like it or does not care about it and wants to turn this off, open your Wyze App, go to the account tab, Select Notifications, Click on “App Discovery” and then you can disable Event reports entirely by toggling off “Event Reports”
Nobody is forced to have these insights, and the above will help you to turn them off, but it is kind of cool for some of us to be informed when there is a change of normal patterns on some of our cams. I’m loving it so far. Put me in for a vote on the positive side.