Event Recordings: filtered by specific hours of the Day

Wyze may have this, but I can’t find it. It would be great if there was a way to filter motion detection only for certain hours of the day.

For example when I’m sleeping/middle of the night, I’d like to see what happened only from 11PM to 5AM for the past week. During the day I have a lot of motion with the kids playing or taking the dog out. I don’t check every day, so looking back is painful (especially when I now have to drag it down to refresh older times).

I have a Ring doorbell and I’d change that out right away for a feature like this. They don’t have it either and I’d like to think that a time filter like this could be possible.

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Unfortunately, Wyze doesn’t have a feature to sort or filter the Events list by time or show multiple dates.

There is currently a Wishlist request for this feature as well as some others you may be interested in.

If you would like to request that Wyze add this feature, follow the link, vote for it at the top, like :heart: some posts, and add your reply post to support the request.

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