Here is a copy of an email that was sent to people who activated cameras within a window that indicates they may be affected by a manufacturing error resulting in microSD cards not being recognized:
Dear Wyze User,
We are reaching out because we’ve recently discovered an error affecting a small percent of Wyze Cam v2’s and we want to correct our mistake.
Some units produced between April 17 and April 24, 2019 were manufactured on a new production line and were produced without a small resistor (R65).
This tiny component (R65) is necessary for the camera to recognize MicroSD cards, and if missing, will prevent the camera from recognizing MicroSD cards. It is possible that one or more of your cameras may have this issue.
If you have an affected camera, we will replace it free of charge and you can keep your current camera (no need to send it back!).
To check if your camera is affected, click the button below.
To learn more about this discovery, continue reading on.
Background of this discovery
In late June 2019, a user on our forums (thank you!) discovered a difference between a Wyze Cam v2 camera they purchased that wouldn’t detect MicroSD cards and a replacement we sent that did. Around the same time, our manufacturer discovered the same issue and with this information we were able to identify that this mistake came from one specific production line (a new one being set up) in one factory.
With more research we found the exact days this line produced Wyze Cams with this issue. Once we were able to confirm the issue and knew which cameras may be affected we decided to reach out to users that set up cameras around this time and offer a free replacement for affected cameras. We’ve also used this experience to identify improvements to our QA process to prevent mistakes like this happening again. We are working hard to offer products to users at an incredible value, and we apologize if your camera was impacted by this error.
Below shows the chip from a camera with the missing R65 resistor (circled in yellow).
– Wyze Quality Assurance (QA) Team
Check my camera(s)