iOS does not offer the option to change the WyzeMessage Notification Sound to a custom tone. This is why Wyze introduced multiple new Wyze App custom sounds within the App Settings UI in recent updates. This is also available to be set within the Android App.
The solution you provide, however, doesn’t solve @wilson.joshua.d’s issue:
Changing the Android Notification Sound for the WyzeMessage Channel will result in the same problem. All Wyze notifications will sound the same from every device.
For Android users to accomplish a Different Notification Sound for EACH Individual Wyze Device AND type of Motion\AI a third party app has to be used to produce the sound. I use MacroDroid. Others use BuzzKill or Tasker. The link provides instructions. I also posted step by step instructions here.
This Wishlist request is to allow for a Doorbell Chime to sound a tone when the Doorbell senses a motion event. It is not for the ability to change the Wyze default Global App Notification Sound, which has already been granted in recent App updates:
It is also not to request the ability to assign a notification sound to individual devices. That Wishlist request is here:
If you would like to request that Wyze add this feature, follow the link, vote for it at the top, like some posts, and add your reply post to support the request.