Wyze SD cards won’t make any difference, the fault is with the camera. I have tried my Wyze SD cards in my new V2, and it will not recognize any of them - whether newly formatted or not.
Did they let you return the cam ?
I have been going back and forth for 3 weeks now.
What was the fix ?
I just received the cam yesterday, and I contacted support immediately after doing the basic troubleshooting (replace card, reset device, etc). The last time I contacted support, it took them 6 days to respond. I am patient.
I am sure they will replace the camera once I have satisfied their troubleshooting requirements.
took them 6 days to respond?
I’m assuming you’ve contacted them via email.
Use the chat option instead during their working hours - 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Pacific time.
If you have access to your cameras during the chat, you should be able to complete all troubleshooting during the chat session.
If all fails the chat tech will place a replacement order right away.
I’m at work during the hours chat is available - and behind a military firewall, so I cannot chat on work computer.
I understand that the company is struggling to get through the all the support issues they are having. No sense griping about it on the community forum. Well, no sense griping about it at all, really.
So, I just wanted to update this thread. After getting my replacement V2 this afternoon I opened it up to compare with the V2 that would not recognize the SD card, and my suspicion was correct. There was a missing component. In my case, labeled R65 on the board.
Measuring in-circuit resistance of the good cam was about 5K, so I tore through my box of junk (all good electronic techs have a box of junk) and found an old bluetooth earphone (remember when we thought people were talking to themselves, but realized they had one of them ear-things in?) and found a 5K resister (0603 package), and with much shaking of hands (I blame age and coffee), I finally got it placed, and the cam now recognized the SD card.
Interesting… Thank you for letting us know! I’ll share this with the team. Thanks for the detailed report!
Thank you Rick for the report!
If you have a chance of course…
Could you please take pictures of the board and the location of the part?
Great job!
Thanks , appreciate it
Thank you Sir!
re: resistor
Is this the type you’re talking about? 5K Ω
it’s really tiny!
Any advice to consider while trying to solder it to the board?
Thank you
They are very small, yes.
Aside from magnification - I have a jewelers loop just for this purpose - tweezers, and a really fine-tipped soldering iron, I’d get some solder wick to remove the solder from the pads. It’s difficult trying to place a part this small with solder already on the pads.
Apply new solder to one pad only. Then, applying heat to that soldered pad, place the resistor so that you can see a little bit of the opposite pad. Let it cool, then apply solder the other side.
Rick same here missing resistor… but I do not have your skillset nor the parts to solve this.
Hello! Can you please open a support ticket with us (https://support.wyzecam.com/hc/en-us) so we can exchange that for you? Please let me know the ticket number here. Thanks!
Hello! Glad to see you are up and running again but if you would like us to exchange this for another camera please open a support ticket (https://support.wyzecam.com/hc/en-us) and let me know the ticket number here.
If you want to keep that one, I would like to know the MAC address so we can look into this. Thanks!
WyzeMaxS , I did send 3 different suport tickets for each camera… 2 days ago
Wyze Ticket 255095
Here are the mac adresses
2CAA8E1 D38D7
Max - I already received a replacement for this camera, so no need to send another.
The MAC address is: 2CAA8E2067F5.