How do i set the notification sound to be a custom one selected from audio in the memory of my device. And no, not the OS default which is set to silence on my device
How do i set the notification sound to be a custom one selected from audio in the memory of my device. And no, not the OS default which is set to silence on my device
You have 2 options on Android:
Option 1: Go to the app and select Account (Bottom Right), scroll to Notifications, tap on Push Notifications, Tap on Notification Sounds. From there you can select the Default or one of 3 Wyze Sounds.
Option 2 (Android Only): You long press on the app and select App Info, then tap on Notifications. From there you will see WyzeMessage with possibly a count of notifications under it. you can select that one and change the sound from within that location as well. You will have the ability to change all of the sounds from Default to the 3 Wyze Provides.
Hope this answers your question.
Thanks you
So… No way to have custom sound???
Btw, app info > notification only offers enable/ disable
If you’re running Android 14, you may need to enable “Manage notification categories for each app”. Under Android 14, that settings is at Android Settings > Notifications > Advanced Settings. Scroll down to the bottom of the list and you should see the setting. If not, please state your phone/tablet brand, model and operating system version.
Ref: Different Alert Sound for Wyze Notifications - #737 by spamoni
Yes, running 14.
Yes, did as you said and now i can set any sound via app info>notification
Thank you very much Im happy
Strangely it shows wyze message three times but setting my sound in one sets in all three
Thanks again
No problem and great to hear you have it working.
How do i use different sounds for different devices?
How for example, I have my porch camera sound say “front door” but every other device, door sensors, motion detector and all cameras, say same thing. I don’t know if im setting notifications up wrong. I can’t believe that this is normal. Im using a Samsung galaxy s24 ultra for my phone.
Please see post #4 above and follow link in post:
If you are attempting to assign a unique notification sound per Wyze device, it’s not possible at this time. There is a wishlist topic that requests that feature. Please comment and vote for this request:
Individual Camera, Sense, Doorbell, AI detection type, etc. Alert Notification Sound and/or Color
Welcome to the Forum, @s.anthony.b75!
While what you’re requesting isn’t a native Wyze app feature, and it’s been requested in the Wishlist (as noted in this topic), as an Android user you have the ability to do this with third-party apps. I finally got around to figuring out how to do this with MacroDroid and got it working to give me a different sound notification from each of two cameras when motion is detected, though I understand there are other third-party apps that also have this capability. (I’ve seen @carverofchoice mention BuzzKill and Tasker elsewhere on the Forum.) I don’t have a Sense Hub, so I don’t know what to tell you about the entry or motion sensors, because I don’t know what those notifications look like, but I feel like I’ve accomplished something with my MacroDroid baby steps after beating my head against a wall for a while.
Congrats buddy! I love MacroDroid! Buzzkill is the simplest of the 3 options mentioned, Tasker is the most powerful, and Macrodroid is a good compromise. I use all 3 for different things, but generally recommend Macrodroid most of the time unless someone isn’t very technologically inclined, then I recommend Buzzkill.
You recommend one thing unless someone isn’t technically inclined, and then you recommend that same thing anyway?
There’s so much stuff in MacroDroid! I had to exercise my
and Web searches and learn about the anatomy of notifications, and then figure out how to use that information in Constraints to essentially create “AND” conditions for my Triggers.
Oh, and for the sound notifications I used a Web site to do text-to-speech and create MP3 voice announcements that aren’t too generic sounding and say things like “Cam OG…Motion Detected” or “Cam OG Telephoto…Motion Detected” in entirely different voices (just for the test purposes; it’s a work in progress).
I don’t really need another time sink in my life, but if I did then I’m sure MacroDroid would be more than adequate at providing that.
ARGH! Mistype. I make dumb mistypes so often.
Thanks for pointing that out. It’s fixed now. I meant Macrodroid is the main one I recommend and Buzzkill for easy use. Tasker is for those who want advanced control with few limitations.
Yeah, Macrodroid is so cool. With it, I can turn nearly any notification, etc into a trigger for Home Assistant.
Thanks. Now I can understand your recommendation. I need to investigate these options.
That makes more sense. Thanks for the clarification.
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