Wyze bulbs (color and 2019 white) all stopped working today. Can’t reconnect existing or new bulbs to home network.
I’m not having camera issues it’s the light bulbs.
Anyone else having issues with V1 Floodlights? They are blinking off and on, they are also the only devices that have not come back on with outage. No easy way to turn off and on as they are permanently wired. Hoping it does not keep going off and on all night…
Yes a few cameras still down.
My version 1 flood light camera hasn’t worked in about 6 months I can’t get it to connect
Wyze bulbs keep disconnecting all of a sudden. 3 times this week
Another User with White Bulbs that have connection issues.
Possible WiFi signal strength issue BUT moving Router and/or Bulbs to suit Wyze shortcomings IS NOT an acceptable answer. (And basically side-by-side bulb fixtures act differently - 1 connects fine, other not so much - Suggests QA issues…)
After wasting hours trying to get my 2019 bulbs to connect to the app I gave up and plugged my lamps into a Wemo smart switch that works fine with Google Home.
My system has experienced issues everyday since 4/15. The system was offline and since returning it will not run the rules, will not stay online and now the keypad stopped working. I have rebooted, power cycled, changed the batteries and nothing. Any suggestions?
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