Same here. My three bulbs are unresponsive.
Same here…was working fine yesterday and now bulbs won’t respond. When I tap the button to switch the light on/off and the button responds but the light does nothing. The sliders aren’t working either. Tried removing a bulb and re-adding and the process was successful but still not responding to commands. Can’t control the bulbs now with Alexa either.
I see this just got added
Wow. So to control the bulbs from the app via local wifi requires a remote server? So if my internet is offline or Wyze goes out of business then my Wyze bulbs become dumb bulbs?
Server connection is fairly common for smart devices. A LOT of your smart things will become useless if the company behind them goes belly up.
The option to control through WiFi alone would be nice though. We are literally sitting in our living room by the light of the tv only because all the bulbs in here are Wyze and none work right now
You don’t have to sit in the dark. You can still turn them (on and off) manually.
Yeah and they come on 100% which is super bright for watching tv
Hi. Same issue for me. Mix bag though. Some are on and not responding. 2 do not turn on at all. And 3 flicker when on. I’ve removed those bulbs. Any did sorted out yet?
According to the post here it looks like it is sorted out but will take a few hours for the backlog to fully catch up
I have six Wyze bulbs. They started not responding last night. As of 7 AM this morning five of the six are still not responding. Is there any determination as to when the problem might be resolved?
I have zero control of anything connected to the bridge. I have tried the bridge in all cams and still it will not connect .
This is exactly why LOCAL control is absolutely necessary!
Nice toys for now…
Thank goodness I have smartthings and researched all of my other devices first. Everything still runs for me… with the exception of wyze, HALexa and webcore if my internet is out… So I can’t talk to my house(HALexa), I can’t auto control my closets(Wyze bulbs) and my auto off functions do not work(Wyze to webcore 2 test areas).
However, All of my stuff is redundantly run through smartthings and other local devices for automation(the smartthings smart lighting app) except the closets.
Have to rethink those now and take the bulbs as a loss.
I turned some of mine off with the switches last night and left them off , turned them on today and now they’re working right.
The rest of them, I turned the switches off and back on today and they are working right also
Doesn’t change the fact, if I unplug my router… It doesn’t work!
The only thing that should cause electrical equipment in your home to not work is… a power outage at your home!
Then power cycling equipment is almost expected or at least accepted… more.
I wasn’t replying to you , I was just posting what I did.
But the bulbs do come on with the switch , you just can’t adjust the brightness
This is a different problem , the bulbs do not connect to the bridge for the sensors
I thought my bulbs were being controlled locally via my wifi. This (outage) is making me re-think everything.