Wyze Bulb Service Outage - 8/8/19


9:53 PM - We have heard multiple reports that manually powering off and on a Wyze Bulb will restore the connection. If you are still experiencing difficulty with your Wyze Bulbs, please try this as it may decrease your wait time.

7:18 PM - Starting in the early afternoon, we saw a spike of AWS IoT offline reports for Wyze devices (especially Wyze Bulbs). This appears as our app/cloud losing connection to the devices. For example, you can’t turn on or off the bulb through the app or your Shortcuts stop functioning. We suspect this is related to changes on the AWS side. A high priority ticket has been filed and we will closely monitor it.

Currently, we see the device IoT connection activities are dropping back to normal. However, the huge spike caused a processing backlog on Wyze server. We expect the backlog will complete processing within the next few hours before also going back to normal. We’re sorry for the trouble and we will update once we have new info.

6:54 PM - We are looking into a server problem that is impacting Wyze Bulb. We’re adding servers to help with balancing and investigating the cause. We apologize for the inconvenience and will provide more information as it becomes available.


Dangit, I’m supposed to get my first bulb tomorrow.:disappointed_relieved:

I have faith that this will be resolved by then. :slight_smile:


7:18 PM - Starting in the early afternoon, we saw a spike of AWS IoT offline reports for Wyze devices (especially Wyze Bulbs). This appears as our app/cloud losing connection to the devices. For example, you can’t turn on or off the bulb through the app or your Shortcuts stop functioning. We suspect this is related to changes on the AWS side. A high priority ticket has been filed and we will closely monitor it.

Currently, we see the device IoT connection activities are dropping back to normal. However, the huge spike caused a processing backlog on Wyze server. We expect the backlog will complete processing within the next few hours before also going back to normal. We’re sorry for the trouble and we will update once we have new info.


Thank you! I can stop beating my head against the wall now. jk :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’m so glad I saw this. I have 23 bulbs connected at home. When they all showed as online but not turning on/off, I started tripping. Thanks for the update.


After power cycling mine, they appear to be working now! Thanks for the updates @UserCustomerGwen


Re-pairing worked for me.

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If I have to re-pair them all , I’m going to be , not happy at all

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I kept turning the power off and on slowly for each bulb until they finally started responding. All working now. Six bulbs were giving me a fit.

I guess this explains why one bulb shows as offline. Another that is off shows in the app as “on” and I can’t change it. Will just head to bed and hope the bulbs are working correctly come morning. :face_with_raised_eyebrow::man_shrugging:

Just put these in yesterday. Got two working but not the third. Finally managed to get the third one working this afternoon but updates failed. Just spent another 30 minutes with the bulbs not controllable at all. Glad it’s something like this as opposed to failing bulbs. Guess I’ll revisit tomorrow.

9:53 PM - We have heard multiple reports that manually powering off and on a Wyze Bulb will restore the connection. If you are still experiencing difficulty with your Wyze Bulbs, please try this as it may decrease your wait time.

Thanks for your feedback, everyone! We’re happy to hear that some bulbs are now working as expected.


Thank you for reporting this. It’s nice not to be left in the dark! I experienced issues with 2 out of my 3 bulbs, I turned power off and then on and they all turned on.


The support team from WYZE in my experience is usually on the ball.

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Turning them off and back on worked. Thank you.

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All my builds are non functional as well…

I will continue to turn them on and off throughout the day until they reconnect…

for now they’re all on 24/7. Wish I could turn them off, but then they would never reconnect.

I’m not sure smart bulbs are worth the trouble.

yeah i noticed this as well last night. had to power cycle the bulb to get it back on. haven’t tried commanding it since then.

I turned some of mine off with the switches last night and left them off , turned them on today and now they’re working right.
The rest of them, I turned the switches off and back on today and they are working right also

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